Choose Celebration
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Choose Celebration

Comparison is something that we begin to experience at such a young age. We compare the toys we have, the food we eat, and the clothes we wear. Then, as we grow up, we begin to look at relationships, jobs, financial status…you get the idea.

But, we were never meant to measure ourselves against someone else. We weren’t made in the image of man, we were made in the image of God. If we want to break partnership with comparison and shift our perspectives, we can choose to celebrate ourselves and the people around us.

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The Ministry of Reconciliation
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Ministry of Reconciliation

The ministry of reconciliation is a big part of the Christian walk, but so many of us don’t actually have the understanding of what it is or the awareness of its work in our lives. What does it look like to receive this ministry and live it out in everyday life?

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An Attitude of Gratitude
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

An Attitude of Gratitude

“An attitude of gratitude.” It’s a common phrase most of us have heard. But, what does that truly mean? Ephesians 5:20 tells us to, “Give thanks always and for everything.”

"An attitude of gratitude" is a phrase that encourages us to adopt a mindset of thankfulness and appreciation for what we have in life, rather than what we lack. It cultivates a sense of contentment and appreciation for the blessings and opportunities we’ve been given

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A Culture of Honor
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

A Culture of Honor

“Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other.” -Romans 12:10 

To honor someone is to hold them in high respect or great esteem. We are called to be people who give and display honor to others. We don’t give honor necessarily because people deserve it, but because we are honorable people!

One of Bethel’s Core Values is, “Honor Affirms Value.” Honor recognizes the best in others despite any differences. Everyone has been made by God and in His image. Honor affirms this value and identity in those around us. 

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The Journey Toward Wholeness
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Journey Toward Wholeness

“It’s for freedom’s sake that Christ has set us free…” -Galatians 5:1

We all want to be free and whole people. We desire to be healed of past pain and trauma, walking confidently in breakthrough. However, taking the first step can be easier said than done. What does it ACTUALLY look like to pursue inner healing? Let’s dive in and find out.

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Who Am I?
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Who Am I?

“Who am I?” Most likely that’s a question we’ve all asked at some point in our life. At our core, who are we really and truly? What is our purpose? What were we made for?

Identity is a core value that needs to be fulfilled in every human. We’re born searching for our identity. It’s innately in us to want to be known! The Father has given us the answer to the most asked question.

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Vulnerability vs Transparency
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Vulnerability vs Transparency

Vulnerability and transparency are words that are often used interchangeably but actually have different meanings. What does it mean to live vulnerably and not just transparently? 

Think of it like a glass house. Transparency gives someone the ability to see inside of the house and everything that’s in it. Vulnerability invites someone and lets them move the furniture around. If we want to live in true healthy connection, we must live vulnerably.

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The Leader Within You
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Leader Within You

You are by design and DNA a leader. Whether you’re leading yourself, your family, a business, or a ministry, you were MADE to be a leader!

Like most things in life, leadership is a skill! It’s something that develops as we learn and grow as an individual. What does it look like to walk in the leadership call on our lives in health and strength?

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Boundaries: An Act of Love
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Boundaries: An Act of Love

Did you know that the purpose of boundaries is to protect, not punish?

We want to debunk the myths and lies surrounding boundaries. They’re created not to push people away, but to actually draw them closer and strengthen connections. How do healthy boundaries enable us to love ourselves and the people around us better? Learning what good boundaries look like and how to set them can help us to better sustain and grow the relationships in our lives.

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The Power of Love
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Power of Love

Love is the ONE thing that can affect the heart of any and every person no matter what. Whatever season of life you’re in, no matter how old you are, your relationship status, or where you live, love is essential. 

Everyone longs to love and be loved. It’s hardwired in our DNA. We are saved, healed, and delivered through the power of God’s love toward us.  

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The Effects of Trauma
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Effects of Trauma

Trauma is a buzzword in today’s society. It’s a topic that hasn’t always been highly discussed but is gaining popularity and awareness with the rise of mental and emotional health conversations. Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and affects everyone uniquely.

Jesus paved the way for us to walk in wholeness in all ways; body, soul, and spirit. He already paid the price for our healing and it’s a gift He offers to us freely. It is possible to live in full health and healing.

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Generational Cycles
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Generational Cycles

The term “generational cycles” is rising in popularity in our society along with the topics of mental and emotional health. A generational cycle in its simplest form is something that is passed from one generation to the next.

We are called to be cycle breakers. We are powerful people who hold the authority to change the trajectory of our lives and the lives of future generations with just one “yes.” 

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Healing is Easy
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Healing is Easy

More often than not, when we look at our lives, our past, present, and future, it’s extremely easy to become overwhelmed. We see all the mess and we think, “This is going to take forever to clean up.” But, the truth of the matter is healing is simple.

Jesus’ death on the cross and the resurrection from the grave was for us. He chose a sinner's death that he didn’t deserve so we could be made whole in every way. He paid the ultimate price so that we wouldn’t have to. He paved the way for our freedom.

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Living Connected
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Living Connected

By nature, we are sociable beings and we need relationships to survive. When we lack connection, we actually live in deficiency!

People who have healthy relationships are more likely to thrive in every aspect of life. Meaningful connection, whether it’s social, emotional, or psychological, is a key factor in influencing our overall health.

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4 Tools for Healthy Relationships
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

4 Tools for Healthy Relationships

“Two people are better than one, for they can help each other succeed…A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” -Ecclesiastes 4:9,12

We weren’t meant to do life on our own. We need the Lord and we need people! Relationships are all around us and are a part of the life God created us to live. Navigating relationships and strengthening our connections can be tricky. Here are 4 tools you can use to build and cultivate healthy relationships in your life.

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Living in Abundance
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Living in Abundance

“A thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and life abundantly.” -John 10:10

Jesus died on the cross for us to experience the fullness of life and the freedom He always intended for us. Abundance is our inheritance as sons and daughters of the King.

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The Faith Walk
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Faith Walk

Faith is the foundation of our relationship with Jesus. After all, it is what brought us to Him! Having faith in Jesus enables us to trust Him with the ins and outs of our everyday lives and in every circumstance.

Life is ever-changing and every season looks different. What does it mean for us when it’s harder to trust and our faith is wavering?

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The Importance of Rest
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

The Importance of Rest

We live in a world that is constantly on the go. We are busier (and more stressed) than ever before.

Learning HOW to rest is essential to our overall mental, emotional, and physical health. We’re all familiar with the IDEA of rest, but what does it truly mean to rest and how can we do it well?

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Emotional Intelligence
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to process and manage one’s own emotions. Though a newly discussed topic, it is extremely important in our overall well-being.

By developing our self-awareness and learning how to process our emotions, we can live fully in joy, wholeness, and freedom.

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Let’s Talk About Sozo
Vivi Ware Vivi Ware

Let’s Talk About Sozo

Sozo is the heart of what we do here at the T.C. Appearing 110 times in the New Testament, it’s a Greek word that means, “saved, healed, and delivered.” It isn’t just partial healing. It’s healing us entirely. Inside and out.

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