Living in Abundance

“A thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and life abundantly.” -John 10:10

Jesus died on the cross for us to experience the fullness of life and the freedom He always intended for us. Abundance is our inheritance as sons and daughters of the King. 

What is abundance? 

The definition of abundance is, “overflowing fullness.” When we think of abundance, we can automatically think of finances. But, when Jesus said He came to give us life and life abundantly, He meant MORE than just finances. 

The idea of abundance is that we would thrive, not just survive, in all areas of life. Relationally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.  

We weren’t created to live a life experiencing things halfway. The Lord wants us to live in the FULLNESS of His glory and who He designed us to be. It may take some risk and doing things that we don’t fully understand. But, sometimes breakthrough is one-step outside our comfort zones. 

What does an abundant life look like? 

True abundance is not measured in the physical or tangible things we can see. Abundance is a heart posture and mindset. 

An abundant life looks like gratitude; focusing on what you do have instead of what’s lacking or missing. Living in true joy and thankfulness is the root of an abundant life. 

We can grow in abundance by learning the way of our Savior. This looks like focusing on Jesus, looking to Him in times of need, learning His character, and renewing our minds to think thoughts that are aligned with His word.

Growing in abundance is a continual process. We are ever-growing, learning, and maturing. 

How can I have an abundance mindset?

Renewing our minds and cultivating an abundance mindset isn’t difficult, it just takes practice! Here are 3 ways you can cultivate an abundance mindset. 

1. Practice Gratitude

“Thankfulness and hunger create the atmosphere for increase.” -Bill Johnson

Thankfulness opens the door for God to come in and have His way. Take time each day to write down 10 things you’re thankful for. This can be anything from your family to the cup of coffee you drank that morning. Gratitude aligns your heart with His and creates space for Him to move. 

2. Practice Generosity

Generosity comes in many shapes and sizes. You can give your time, resources, money, or space. Overcoming a scarcity mindset can require action on our part. 

Think of times in your life when people have extended generosity toward you. How did you feel? What followed? Giving of your own resources and abilities aids in the renewing of your mind to think in patterns of abundance instead of lack.

3. Practice Intentional Thinking 

Learn how to steward your thought life. Dig into the Word and find what God says about abundance. What are His intentions for us and abundance? How should we steward what we’ve been given? 

Ask the Lord what He has in mind for you and your life. Create declarations from His words and declare them over yourself every day. Declarations are a powerful tool to use when re-training your thought patterns. 

An abundant life is for YOU! You were made to live in the fullness of life and freedom. It’s all by His design.


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