The Faith Walk

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” -2nd Corinthians 5:7

Faith is the foundation of our relationship with Jesus. After all, it is what brought us to Him! Having faith in Jesus enables us to trust Him with the ins and outs of our everyday lives and in every circumstance. 

Life is ever-changing and every season looks different. What does it mean for us when it’s harder to trust and our faith is wavering? 

Wavering Faith is Normal

Yes, you heard us right! It’s normal for you to face a “faith crisis” at some point in your walk with Jesus. We know we SHOULD have faith, but it can be easier said than done! 

Having questions is a normal part of growing with the Lord. Think of a relationship in your life. It can be your spouse or your friends, but think of someone you’re extremely close to. Did you immediately trust them when your relationship was just starting? Most likely not!

The same goes for our relationship with God. We have to get to know Him. We have to learn His character and nature. Trust isn’t an automatic in any relationship. It has to be built. 

Faith is the Result of Connection

Our reason for being is connection. God wasn’t lonely, but He didn’t want to be alone so He created humans to walk with day-to-day. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s actions in the Garden, it severed the pure connection humans had to the Father. 

A broken connection can come from anywhere. We live in a broken world with broken people and different relationships or circumstances can hinder our viewpoint of the Father and His nature. Building faith in God looks like restoring our connection with Him. 

How Can We Restore Connection and Build Faith? 

Restoring our connection to the Father may sound daunting, but it’s very simple! Here are 3 steps you can take. 


Sozo was designed to uncover lies, break strongholds, and restore our view of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was created to bring healing, breakthrough, and restoration to every broken area of our lives. 

If something is hindering you from seeing God correctly or believing the truth of who He says He is, Sozo is for you! 

2-Read the Word

One way to discover who God is is to read what He says about Himself. The Bible is the ultimate truth. God talks about Himself and demonstrates His nature in every area of the Scriptures. 

In many stories in the Bible, like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph, God promises someone something. Though it may not be when or how the person was expecting it, God ALWAYS keeps His promises. Read the lives of these people and watch how God shows up. 

Dig into the Word and discover who God declares Himself as, who He promises to be, and what He promises to do for His children. 

3-Keep a Journal

Write down all your prayers, dreams, and promises God has given you and date them. If you’re contending for something, write down the prayer and pray it every day. 

By writing down prayers and the promises of God, you’ll be able to look back on what you were once believing for and see the evidence of God’s faithfulness in your life when He answers. 

The Lord is faithful to us in every season and circumstance. What we see here on Earth is not reflective of who He is or what He is capable of. He is so much bigger than anything we will ever face. Even in the midst of unbelief, He is good and trustworthy.


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