“Peek a Boo”
What labels were put on you as a kid?
The good news is that the old labels that do not align with what Jesus thinks of you are null and void! There is so much freedom available to you. You can heal from childhood trauma.
Sounds Like a Broken Record
Do you find yourself rehearsing the same scenarios over and over again in your mind?
Is it stealing your joy?
“Did I say the right thing?” “They probably think I’m crazy.” “I sounded so stupid when I spoke up during that meeting at work and now I’ll probably never be promoted.”...
From Prideful to Pampered
Are you trying to be strong and prove that you’ve got it all together? Is there a fear of looking weak hindering you from reaching your full potential?
You are not alone and there is hope for you!
Figs or Foxes?
Has the Lord gone silent in your life?
Do areas of your life where you were once fruitful seem barren in this season?
God has a plan for you. He has not left you and wants to draw you close. He is longing for a deeper, intimate relationship with you.
Caught in the Crossfire
Have you felt trapped in the line of fire recently not knowing how to respond to dishonoring situations? Maybe you’ve wanted to run and hide from those situations. You are not alone.
Jason Vallotton says, “We’re not afraid of new relationships, we are afraid of old pain.”
Are cycles of fear and control keeping you from healthy relationships?
Is That Egg On Your Face?
Do you see unhealthy patterns in your life? Are you repeating the same cycles where you are the victim, villain, or rescuer resulting in resentment toward yourself and others? According to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Through intimacy with the Holy Spirit, there is hope to change your life for the better! You do not have to continue in the unhealthy patterns you’ve been in.
What Do You See?
How we perceive God greatly affects the way we receive from Him.
Have you made God small in your own eyes? Have you made yourself small in your own eyes?
From Loner to Lover
Whenever you protect a bad thought, that thought becomes a fortress in your life. Speculation and distrust can become negative fortresses in your life causing you to think negatively about yourself and the people around you. Has a fortress of isolation been erected around your heart? There is freedom for you
Behind the Mask
Vulnerability begins with intimacy, and intimacy begins with your relationship with the Lord. If you cannot be vulnerable with God, you will not be able to have authentic relationships with people. Allowing God to see the depths and hidden pieces of your heart is the essence of intimacy and the definition of safety in the context of a relationship. Freedom comes when you allow yourself to be completely vulnerable before God.
Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart!
Take a moment to think about your community. Who are the people you are doing life with and how have they impacted you? Have they impacted you in a positive or negative way? The truth is, we always reproduce the environment around us that we believe is within us.
Identity: Silence the Serpent
What would it look like if, in every moment, we were aware that we are hidden in Christ and that our identity is ultimately tied up in Him? This truth takes the pressure off of us and puts it where it belongs; on the shoulders of Jesus.
4 Myths About Mental Health
Mental health is rising and becoming a more common topic in conversations everywhere, including the Church. Studies show that more than one in five adults in the U.S. struggle with some sort of mental health disorder. Our mental well-being is close to the Father’s heart and is worth being talked about. If you struggle with your mental health, know you’re not alone.
There are some commonly believed myths surrounding our mental health. Let’s take some time to debunk these myths and discover the truth about our mental well-being.
A Renewed Mind is a Renewed Life
Our thought-life is powerful. What we believe to be true will dictate the decisions we make, how we build connections, and how we interact with others. Our thought patterns will create realities whether that’s our intention or not.
This is why it’s important to learn the truth of God’s Word and what He has said about us and renew our minds with these truths. His truth will set us free from any limiting belief or lie and launch us into our true identity and destiny.
Learning God’s Voice
God is always speaking and it’s the desire of His heart to commune with His people. It can be easy for us to dismiss this truth and buy into the lie that He’s not speaking. Let’s dive into the learn more about the voice of God.
Overcoming Conflict
If you’ve ever been in any kind of relationship, you know that conflict is inevitable. No two people are the same so naturally as differences bump heads, disagreements arise.
Conflict is not a sign that there’s something wrong in our relationships. We have to learn how to navigate and resolve conflict in a healthy way with the right tools in order to protect and improve our connections.
The Beauty of Stewardship
"Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God." -1st Peter 4:10
The Lord has given each of us different gifts, resources, and people that we’re called to be good stewards of. Stewardship is our response to God’s trust in us. As we cling to the Father, we get to honor and worship Him by protecting what He has given us.
Dreaming Again
Did you know that before you were even born, God had a plan and a dream for your life? He knew exactly what you’d look like, how you’d sound, what you would love…He knew what your dreams, goals, and aspirations would be. He was intentional in His design with you.
The Father has dreams and a vision for your life that He’s inviting you to discover. It’s time to dream with Him again.
Getting Back on Your Feet
Have you ever faced a loss, transition, or event so significant that it stops you right where you are? The effect of the moment is so significant that it makes it feel challenging, confusing, and maybe even impossible to move forward.
If so, you’re not alone. Life is ever-changing and there will always be unexpected changes that take place. But, we’re here to encourage you that it’s not impossible to get back on your feet and move forward again. Healing is possible even after the most painful transitions.