Receive your deliverance.

We suggest that (most) new clients start with a Sozo.

God’s truth sets you free.

Sozo is helpful when you feel:

  • Disconnected from God & others

  • Hindered by past traumatic experiences

  • Unlovable - difficulty receiving love & hearing God’s voice

  • Stuck - as if you can’t move forward

  • Trapped in cycles of anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and/or sin

Freedom, Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
  • Sozo is a Greek word used 110 times in the New Testament, and it denotes being “saved, healed, and delivered” all at one time.

    Our Sozo ministers enter each session with an expectancy that you will have this kind of encounter with God too.

  • In short: YES!

    Sozo is a gentle prophetic deliverance and inner-healing ministry.

    Demonic manifestations may or may not occur in a Sozo session. We have found that receiving His truth about ourselves, our pasts, and our current situations will naturally displace demonic influences in our life.

    As needed, our team will directly address the demonic and invite you to renounce partnership with these influences.

  • As you receive a fresh encounter of God’s love and truth, you’ll simultaneously receive the power of His deliverance.

    You’ll get set free of spiritual and emotional root issues that are holding you back. You’ll come away with deeper peace & joy as well as a clearer ability to hear God’s voice - especially if you’ve never heard His voice before! A Sozo can radically transform your relationship with God, yourself, and others.

    One encounter with God can accomplish what years of other healing modalities can’t even touch.

  • Sozo is NOT counseling or coaching. It’s a gentle, yet powerful, tool for inner healing and prophetic deliverance.

  • 90 minute sessions

    There will be 1-3 Sozo ministers in the room who are praying for you and guiding you through a process of connecting with God.

    As the Holy Spirit leads, you’ll be invited to ask Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit about 1) lies you’re believing, 2) wounds that need healing, 3) people to forgive, 4) unhealthy relational/generational ties to break, and 5) sins to renounce.

    You’ll invite God into your areas of pain and experience a fresh revelation of God’s love for you. You’ll learn God’s perspective on whatever situation you’re facing, and this insight will bring the next layer of freedom you need.

    Each Sozo is specific to the person being ministered to, and every session is unique. God knows best what you need, and our goal is to facilitate the next step of your healing journey.

    You’re invited to offer feedback and confirm/deny the direction your minister(s) is heading throughout the session.

  • If you’re currently experiencing a traumatic situation, or you’ve suffered a recent loss… then we don’t recommend starting with a Sozo.

    In this case, we suggest starting with counseling. Your counselor may integrate Sozo tools into a session or refer you to a Sozo minister as needed.

  • Sessions are scheduled on an as-needed basis. This is because (unlike counseling or coaching) Sozo is not a process-based service.

    Our aim is that you’ll have a true SOZO (i.e. “one time”) encounter. Most clients, however, will come back for another Sozo anywhere from 1-12 months after their first session.

    On rare occasions (typically when there is a high level of past trauma), you or your Sozo minister may suggest more consistent appointments.

    If you’re visiting from out of town, you’re welcome to book multiple Sozo sessions while you’re here. We suggest waiting at least one day between appointments. You may also benefit from alternating between Sozo and counseling sessions to process whatever arises from the Sozo(s).

  • Couples' Sozos are designed for heterosexual romantic relationships (married, premarital, or dating), and Joint Sozos are for two people in a nonromantic relationship (family members, friends, roommates, etc.). During a session, you'll invite God into your relationship and address whatever issues are hindering healthy connection.

About Sozo

Freedom, Deliverance, Sozo, Bethel, Transformation Center, Start Here

3 steps to breakthrough:

Specialty Sozos

Need breakthrough in a specific area of your life? We’ve probably got a Sozo for that.
(*Indicates different price and/or session length than standard Sozo sessions. See FAQs for details.)

Art Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
Body Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
Boundaries Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
Brain Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center

Boundaries Sozo

Reclaim your power to say “no” and limit your exposure to poor conduct from others.

Chuck Enomoto (Founder)
Deborah Enomoto (Founder)

Brain Sozo

Rewire your brain to mitigate the effects of head trauma & sharpen your mind.

EJ Benjamin

Children Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
Couples', Joint Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center

Children’s Sozo

Help your children (4+) connect with God in any areas of pain.

EJ Benjamin
Hayde Bulbuk
Nancy Young
Sue Elliott (Founder)

Couples’ & Joint Sozos*

Address root issues that are hindering a healthy connection. (Couples' Sozos are designed for two heterosexual people in a romantic relationship-married, premarital, or dating. As per our beliefs as stated in our Statement on Biblical Sexuality, the Transformation Center will provide counseling to couples who were biologically born female and male and continue to live in accordance with that identity.)

(Joint Sozos are for two people in a nonromantic relationship-family members, friends, roommates, etc. These sessions are for adults only.)

Ari Isaoglu
Selin Isaoglu

Creativity Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
Educational Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center

Creativity Sozo

Unlock your full potential for inspiration, imagination, and innovation.

Faith Blatchford (Founder)

Educational Sozo

Improve your learning and heal from school-related wounds.

EJ Benjamin

Financial Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center
Limbic Release Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center

Financial Sozo*

Break destructive beliefs and patterns related to money and wealth.

Ari Isaoglu
Deborah Enomoto
Stephen De Silva (Founder)

Limbic Release Sozo*

Integrates essential oils to target stuck trauma.

Nancy Young (Founder)

Sleep Sozo

Address disturbances that keep you from falling asleep and/or staying asleep.

Faith Blatchford (Founder)

Body Sozo

Address emotional wounds and embodied trauma that may be leading to pain and illness.

Chrystal Rodriguez
EJ Benjamin
Hayde Bulbuk
Nancy Young

Art Sozo*

Connect with God and process your healing through a guided art project.

Gail Spooner (Founder)
Gillian Kingsley

Missions Debrief, Counseling, Trauma, Bethel Transformation Center
Military Debrief - Counseling, Trauma, Transition, Heal, Bethel Transformation Center

Missions Debrief

Unpack your experiences in a supportive environment designed to help you process the emotional, spiritual, and cultural impacts of your mission. Share your journey, celebrate your impact, and find guidance for transitioning back to daily life while strengthening your resilience and sense of purpose.

Scott Smith
Cyndi Barber

Military Debrief

Transition back into civilian life with the support you deserve. Our debriefing service provides a safe space to share your experiences, address lingering trauma, and build strategies for healing, so you can move forward with clarity and strength.

Scott Smith

Sleep Sozo, Deliverance, Bethel, Transformation Center

Our Sozo Ministers