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Our E-Courses
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Gain the emotional, spiritual & relational tools you need.
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You were designed for a joyful & connected life.
Have you ever felt stuck on the hamster wheel of pain and disconnection? Maybe you’ve even grown weary, frustrated and unsure if you’ll ever gain traction in overcoming the cycles of pain in your life.
We live in a day and age where technology has made it easier to be connected to others all over the world. Yet, individuals have felt more disconnected, unfulfilled, and powerless than ever before.
The truth is, you don’t have to live as a slave to cycles of pain anymore. You were made for deep, healthy, and meaningful connections- to live fulfilled, inspired, and victorious over the power of sin and death.
You deserve to have the proper tools and to feel confident in your ability to cultivate the life of joy that you’re desiring.
It’s time for an upgrade.
Whether you’re in a crisis or simply desiring an upgrade in tools, our e-courses will fill you with hope and give you practical tools to upgrade your relationships and strategies for overcoming the enemy.
We’re confident you’ll come away touched by the most wonderful Counselor as you learn from experts in the fields of emotional, relational, and spiritual health.
Beginner’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice
It’s time to cultivate a deeper connection with God.
This mini e-course includes:
Pre-recorded teachings (see details below)
Activations for implementing new learning
Recorded Q&A with Dawna De Silva
Available to complete at your own pace from any location
Lifetime access
Whether you’re in a spiritual crisis or simply desiring an upgrade in your ability to hear God’s voice, this e-course will give you fresh hope and new tools for connecting with Him.
Discover why God speaks to us, what His voice reveals about His nature, and ways to prepare our hearts to receive from Him.
Discover the myriad ways that God speaks to us and how you can parter with Him in receiving more.
Learn how to differentiate between God’s voice, the enemy’s voice, and the voice of our inner thoughts… plus strategies for hearing God’s voice more clearly.
Discuss strategies for partnering with God to transform your life, relationships, and environments around you.
Overcome Chaos
Choose a stress-less life.
This course is jam-packed with practical ways to help you cultivate a life of peace:
2-3 teachings per module about the root causes of stress plus strategies to eliminate them and build the life of your dreams.
11 stress management techniques (with demos!) to regulate your emotions and calm your mind/body.
13 activations (including downloadable PDFs) to guide you in implementing your new stress-less tools.
Evidence-based resources to deepen your learning beyond this experience.
Taught by Marissa Gill, M.A., M.Ed.
Identify your primary stress response and assess the root causes of stress in your life. Reconnect with your heart and emotions, and learn how to healthily engage your emotions when you tangibly “feel stressed.” Gain insight from God about which area(s) of stress in your life to focus on first.
Identify unhelpful patterns in your life that are contributing to overall stress. Learn various tips for nurturing your relationships and prioritizing your physical health in order to thrive.
The stress of “overwhelm” often looks like cluttered homes, calendars, and to-do lists. Learn processes for streamlining your life and re-embracing creativity as both an antidote and outlet for stress.
Discuss strategies for bringing stablity to your work life and finances. Heal from limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and begin to dream again about a more fulfilling and satisfying future.
Sozo Encounters
Experience a fresh wave of God’s love.
Each module highlights a different type of Sozo and includes:
30-60 minute demo of a real Sozo experience
Facilitated encounter through each type of Sozo
Activation to help steward your breakthrough
Recording of a live Zoom Q&A call about that Sozo type with that module’s minister
Additional resources for you to explore.
Receive a fresh influx of God’s love and replace any lies you’re believing with God’s truth.
Address emotional wounds and embodied trauma that may be leading to pain and illness.
Rewire your brain to mitigate the effects of head trauma & sharpen your mind.
Connect with God and process your healing/emotions through a guided art project.
Reclaim your power to say “no” and limit your exposure to poor conduct from others.
Break destructive beliefs and patterns related to money and wealth.
Help your children (4+) connect with God in any areas of pain.
Improve your learning and heal from school-related wounds.
Boundaries Lab
Live a powerful life.
Healthy boundaries help you get and stay free. Learn to guard your “yes” and communicate “no”, so you can better steward the good things in your life while protecting yourself from the bad things.
See Kris Vallotton’s endorsement of our live event.
During this session, Jason unpacks God’s original design for boundaries as well as the beauty of living a powerful life. Learn the theological foundations for the importance of healthy boundaries.
Restore a healthy relationship with yourself so love can be present in your journey with boundaries. Discover ways to know when you've pushed past your boundaries, release the pain from past experiences, and learn how to notice what you need for the future.
Begin learning practical applications for implementing healthy boundaries in all areas of your life. Discover and embrace your power through the influence of ownership of your attitudes, feelings, and choices. Discard the shame that may come with protecting what matters and develop your boundaries mantra!
Many of us have the same communication skills we learned as children. We've never examined them or acquired better ones. So in the midst of conflict and everyday communication, we find ourselves faltering.
Brave communication is about being prepared. It's about being gentle and powerful. It's about getting the love and grace we have in our hearts out.
It will empower you with a new mindset and practical skills that enhance your everyday in-the-moment connection with friends and strangers and keep you from panicking, avoiding, or attacking in the midst of conflict.
Boundaries are essential to healthy relationships. When learning how to set boundaries, there are 10 laws we can follow to help us evaluate and implement appropriate limits. Chuck & Deborah break down the 10 laws to make them practical for your everyday life and relationships.
As leaders, we all need to know how to execute healthy boundaries in order to lead the world around us well. Danny discusses how to empower powerful people and keep your love on with healthy boundaries… whether it’s your family, your business, or your marriage. Receive a practical image of what this can look like through the circles of intimacy and how it impacts the way you implement boundaries.
School of Relational Health
Break harmful cycles.
Upgrade your communication, boundaries, and conflict resolution skills. Deepen your relationships with God, yourself, and others. Get off the hamster wheel of disconnection and relational pain.
Our relationship with God forms the foundation for all of our other relationships, and faith forms the foundation of our relationship with God. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith, it’s impossible to please God.”
But what does this faith look like, practically?
In this session, Bill explores biblical truths about faith and provides practical tools for growing in faith. You’ll learn about:
What is faith? How do you activate, express, and strengthen it?
Why does God value faith? How does faith impact our relationship with God?
How to navigate disappointment and hold onto faith in the midst of adversity.
The reward of faith.
God’s design is for you to live a fruitful, joyful, and exciting life of intimacy with Him and others. But what do you do when you either a) don’t “hear” God’s voice as others seem to, or b) feel disconnected, distant, or angry with God?
These disconnected and angry parts of our heart often stem from childhood wounds and trauma. This pain can cause us to develop unconscious beliefs that God isn’t the loving father, friend, and comforter that the Bible says He is.
Dawna will walk you through a process of uncovering and healing these unconscious beliefs that are impacting your relationship with God. You’ll also learn about godly and ungodly soul ties, their impact on your relationships with God and others, and how to get free from soul ties that are harmful and/or distracting.
Restoring relationship with yourself is the foundational key for relational intimacy.
If you’ve ever struggled to love the person you see in the mirror, then you’re not alone. Pain and trauma often lead to shame, self-hatred, self-criticism, and self-disconnection.
But as Jesus says in Mark 12:31 - “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” In order to build deeper relational intimacy with others, it’s essential to restore the relationship with the person you encounter the most: yourself.
Walk with Justin through his journey of self-discovery to gain awareness of your own self-relationship. You’ll come away with practical tools for processing your pain, increasing your self-compassion, and rewiring the way that you’ve previously related to yourself.
Audience members for the live event submitted questions for Dawna and Justin.
“Brave Communication” is a set of powerful tools for pursuing connection & resolving conflict. This session is the upgrade in communication skills that you need!
Many of us have the same communication skills we learned as children; we've never examined them or acquired better ones. So in the midst of conflict and everyday communication, we find ourselves faltering - especially when we feel confused or are experiencing a strong emotion.
Dann will help you learn what effective communication looks and sounds like. He’ll also empower you with a new mindset and practical steps to 1) enhance your everyday in-the-moment connection with friends and strangers and 2) keep you from panicking, avoiding, or attacking in the midst of conflict.
This lesson will teach you how to attune to others to create meaningful and authentic connections that endure the challenges of distress.
Do you find yourself experiencing distress or exhaustion that disrupts meaningful connection with others? Or find when reaching out to others, that stress and fatigue interrupt their ability to truly hear and respond with understanding?
Attunement is the ability to 1) accurately understand the emotional state of another person, while 2) responding in a caring way that adjusts to their true needs. We long for emotionally attuned relationships that make us feel seen, heard, and understood, with true needs being shared and responded to with safety. These authentic connections are a part of God’s design for life-giving relationships.
Our central nervous system plays a huge role in our ability to emotionally attune. Learning to be an active operator in regulating this powerful system requires partnership with God and a posture of compassionate care toward self and others.
Journey with Dr. Stacey into science and faith-based tools to realign and stabilize our body, soul, and spirit when escalated states interrupt our ability to connect. Strengthen attunement through practical skills from therapeutic modalities, emotional intelligence, and the neuroscience of connection. Regain peace, presence, wisdom, and authenticity with those who matter most.
You can learn the skills for how to build, maintain & restore relationships.
No person is an island. God created us with a vital need for connection, but we’re not always taught the practical skills necessary for building, maintaining, and restoring relationships.
Journey with Jason as he shares foundational truth he’s learned about connection through his own story of healing. Jason details the four steps we must take to build and protect connections in our lives: choosing courage, compassion, authenticity, and vulnerability with others.
You’ll learn about 1) the importance of connection, 2) why it’s vital for living a life of wholeness, and 3) how to create the connections you crave.
Audience members for the live event submitted questions for Dr. Stacey.
“Keeping your love on” is a hard thing to do. But if you want to build healthy relationships with God and others, learning to keep your love on is non-negotiable.
Adults and children alike thrive in healthy relationships where it is safe to love and be loved, to know and be known. Yet for many, relationships are anything but safe, loving, or intimate. They are instead defined by anxiety, manipulation, control, and conflict. The reason is that most people have never been trained to be powerful enough to keep their love on in the face of mistakes, pain, and fear.
Danny's practical examples will leave you with the power to draw healthy boundaries, communicate in love, and ultimately protect your connections so you can love against all odds. As a result, your relationships will be radically transformed for eternity. When you learn to keep your love on, you become like Jesus.
Are you tired of painful cycles in your emotions and relationships? Do you feel like you lose your voice in intimate relationships? Or do you secretly worry that your fears of rejection push people away? Or do you fear that you withdraw and sabotage your intimate relationships?
Whatever struggles you have in relationships, and we all have them, this talk will help catapult you forward in understanding and in tools that work.
Dr. Barbara, psychologist, trauma specialist, and minister, will help you get free by:
Demonstrating how trauma and childhood wounds impact your boundaries;
Facilitating encounters with Jesus that will heal your boundaries;
Teaching you simple psychological tools for overcoming past traumas that will positively impact your current relationships
Empowering you to set healthy boundaries and have more satisfying relationships.
You'll come away with practical tools and a visitation from Jesus. It’s time to have the life and relationships you've craved!
School of Spiritual Health
Win the Unseen War.
Discern the spiritual forces around you and take authority over them. Exchange confusion and fear for heaven’s joy and peace. Live victoriously.
Spiritual conflicts most often occur when we advance into new territory that is inhabited by evil spirits. Much like Joshua’s promise land experience or Nehemiah rebuilding of the walls, the enemy defends his territory when we are pushing forward into the new land.
Most Christians are completely unaware that these are real spirit wars and retreat at the first sign of conflict because they fail to recognize the true source of the battle.
We live on a planet dramatically affected and effected by an invisible world living among us. At least one third of the inhabitants of this concealed dimension are against humanity with a very intentional agenda.
The good news is, there are more for us than those against us! The ability to distinguish these spiritual entities and their demonic or angelic strategies is essential to the true success of every Christian.
The atmosphere around you is alive with unseen spiritual activity - a battle between forces of darkness and light. You can take dominion over this supernatural environment for the Kingdom of God!
Learn how to discern the spiritual forces at work around you, take authority over them, and release the heavenly broadcasts in their place.
When we understand our authority in Christ, we are better able to stand against the schemes of the enemy. Learn how to pray effectively in all circumstances.
Join Dawna in equipping yourself to pray from a place of power in both positional and relational authority.
Doesn't the Bible say the war has already been won, so why are we still in the battle? What happens when a trial or an event comes up?
If it is the enemy, how do I use the tools I’ve been given to deal with it and get back to what God has promised.
We are all born into a war! When we operate from an instinct to survive we partner with fear, going through life trying not to get hit. We work hard to dodge the punches, avoid conflict and even daydream about a “whole new world,” instead of learning how to roll with each punch, confront the conflict within, and powerfully create a world worth living in.
The hardest seasons are invitations to greater wholeness. You were made for a life of hope and freedom, and God wants to remove anything that stands in the way of what He intended for you.
Jason will unpack how fear is working to become our master. When we operate from an instinct to survive we partner with fear, however we are not called to survive!
We are called to thrive in God's kingdom by casting down fearful thoughts and rejoicing in His presence.
God makes it clear that we were created to live in and through the Spirit, under a different governing system. In His Kingdom today for you, there are no setbacks or limitations. His position, power and promises are available for you without expiry.
In this provoking and encouraging message, Libby will unpack what it means to live a naturally, supernatural life. What does this mean for the everyday believer - those with and without a spiritual job title or position? Can we really live whole and have lasting impact on our family, community and the systems of the day?
There is an adventure of a lifetime waiting for you; a life of the Spirit. This is not a theory but a highly practical truth.
School of Emotional Health
Release internal pain.
Heal emotional wounds by processing trauma and embracing forgiveness. Overcome anxiety, hopelessness, and depression. Lead yourself (and others!) into wholeness and freedom.
Did you know that your body, soul, and spirit all have needs? Learn how to identify these needs and get them met in a healthy way.
The spiritual realm can deeply impact your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional health… especially when you’re unaware of it. But it’s time for you to walk fully in the authority that Jesus died and resurrected for!
You’ll learn about various spiritual roots to mental health issues and how to implement strategies to overcome the attacks of the enemy.
Healthy relationships are God’s design. Learn new strategies for living the life of connection God has for you.
Everyone experiences pain in life. But it doesn’t have to be your permanent reality.
Learn practical steps for working through painful past experiences with God. Get free of any bitterness or unforgiveness that’s keeping you trapped in the past instead of dreaming of (and experiencing!) a better future.
It’s important to look at trauma through a somatic (body-based) lens… because when your BODY is healed from trauma, then YOU’RE healed of trauma.
The physiological aspects of trauma create an “orphan heart” that often leads to unhelpful coping strategies. Learn how to work with your body to heal from trauma.
What fingerprints of an “orphan heart” do you carry? Learn how to exchange lies for truth, so that you can receive a fresh influx of God’s love to heal this wounded part of your heart.
Addiction is often a person’s attempt to control something that is ultimately uncontrollable. The addiction becomes your master and is a protector due to past trauma.
In this session, take a look at the various components of what it takes to be present in relationships without the influence of chemicals, substances, or other coping mechanisms.
In order to be equipped to win the battles that come your way, it’s essential for your war strategy to match the situation.
Learn how to win the battles that come from soul wounds (reactions to the unhelpful words/actions of others) vs flesh wounds (desire for sinful things/activities). It’s your time for victory!
You are a triune being - body, soul, and spirit. Identify and heal from root issues that are impacting your daily life. Learn how Jesus healed people, and receive His healing in your life too.