Scott Smith

Service(s) Offered:

Missionary/Veteran Debrief
Also works with our addiction services

Who I Work With:

Individual Adults (Male)
(Works with adult females for missionary/veteran debriefs)

Doesn’t give mental health diagnoses.


In-person and virtual appointments

What You’ll Come Away With:

I use a client-centered and flexible approach in each session so that you’ll feel safe, listened to, and unhurried. You’ll leave with hope that you are moving forward and there’s no reason to feel stuck anymore.

If past pain is holding you back, God will heal you. If you’re unsure how to move forward in life, then I’ll help you discover your God-given design. And if you simply need to tell your story, then I’ll create a safe space to release whatever’s been bottled up inside.


I was so radically transformed by my first Sozo at Bethel in 2010 that my wife and I helped start the Sozo ministry at Believer’s Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In 2014, my wife and I quit our jobs (I was a math teacher and telecom engineer), and we moved to Cape Town, South Africa for missions work. I created and ran a math instruction lab for township schoolteachers, and we also volunteered as Sozo ministers with the African Sozo Network. I led men from many cultures towards freedom and deliverance in Sozo sessions. 

We returned to the US in 2018 and decided to make Redding, CA our next home. After completing the first year of BSSM in 2019, I joined the Transformation Center team a year later in 2020. I also currently serve as a leader in the Bethel men’s core groups and as a debriefer for Bethel’s longterm missionary team.

I’m passionate about the work I do because of my personal journey of faith and perseverance. My wife has suffered a longterm illness (since 2000), and I’ve been her primary caregiver. Additionally, I used to struggle with such a poor self-image that I didn’t believe in myself, and I often felt awkward or out of place in social settings (especially with leaders and/or people in authority over me). Through various encounters with God, I’ve found peace and have clarity about what life is all about! And I’ve found that God is so much bigger, better, and more loving than many people believe Him to be. I experience so much joy daily, and I know exactly what God’s will is for my life; I’m confident in His love and goodness no matter the tough circumstances that life sends my way.

Cape Town, South Africa was a tough act to follow in natural beauty and adventure. But my wife and I have found that exploring Northern California is just as wonderful. We’re also delighted that our three children are now employed in the Arts in LA and are not too far away.

Experience & Education:

RADT Certification Issued - 1/18/2024
PSAP Certification Issued - 6/26/2024
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, 2017-2018
Basic Sozo Training, 2008
Advanced Sozo Training, 2010
Shabar Training, 2011

B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Tulsa, 1996
B.A. Education, Oral Roberts University, 1979

Certified Coach, Your One Degree, 2022
Bethel Missionary Debriefing Training, 2019
Missionary Debriefing Training, Le Rucher Ministries, 2018


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