“Peek a Boo”

Were you a problem child or a “Goody-Two-Shoes”?

When I was about 2 years old, my mom started dating my future stepdad. One particular evening, the three of us went to the movie theater. I was a very imaginative and rambunctious wild child. I didn’t know discipline. I only knew punishment, which seemingly always came from the men in my life. I can remember peeking over the chairs and playing in that theater. I must have been bored out of my mind. My mom’s boyfriend, soon to become my new father, casually said, “Come on, let’s go potty”. I remember being so oblivious as we walked to the restroom wondering where we were going. In my 2 ½-year-old brain, I thought we were going on a fun adventure. When we got into the restroom, his demeanor changed. He crouched down in front of me, grabbed my arms, and shook me to get my attention. He then spanked me and I started crying. “You better stop crying, or I’ll give you something else to cry about!”, He yelled. I didn’t know what I did wrong and was confused as a child. Even if there was a warning before the spanking, I don’t remember it. I only remembered the punishment.

Do you have memories similar to this one?

I was labeled as the problem child and was constantly compared to my brother. My brother was the good, peaceful baby and I was the terrible, two-year-old.

Fast forward to adulthood. I could not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and felt like He had abandoned me.

I decided to ask for some help.

I met with a Sozo minister at the Transformation Center and the memory of being punished in the theater came to my mind. When my minister realized that I was in that memory, she prompted me to ask Jesus where He was in that situation. When I asked Jesus where He was, I saw Him playing hide and seek with me in the theater. This caught me by surprise. I was not expecting to see that, but what I saw was so full of life I knew that it had to be real! My Sozo minister celebrated this moment with me and then instructed me to ask God if there was anything I needed to forgive Mom for. As I walked through forgiveness, I was feeling so much judgment toward my mom. I had thoughts in my mind like, “Mom was abandoning me out of laziness, and didn’t care about me.” When I mentioned to my minister what I was sensing, she instructed me to ask the Holy Spirit for insight into this situation. When I did, I heard clear as day, “She didn’t know.” I started to cry and felt so much compassion towards my mom. With just one sentence from the Holy Spirit, my heart was bubbling over with love for my mom. When I shared this with my minister, she gracefully led me to forgive my mom. When I did this, I felt a weight lift off of my chest. The mystery and fun with Jesus was returned to me. This is just one piece of what I experienced in that Sozo session. There was so much healing that day. 

The next day, I called my mom and shared the memory with her. Without me sharing what God had shown me, she said, “You know what? I didn’t even know that he did that to you. I found out years later. I should have never allowed him to take you away by himself. I’m so sorry.” Wow! I felt so affirmed that what I heard from the Holy Spirit was true and real. God solidified the truth that the Holy Spirit had spoken to me. I was able to affirm my mom in that moment, release her, and speak blessings over her. There was so much restoration.

What labels were put on you as a kid?

The good news is that the old labels that do not align with what Jesus thinks of you are null and void! There is so much freedom available to you. You can heal from childhood trauma.

Currently, the labels of my past like “Wild Child” are being redeemed for me. What was once a word curse spoken by an angry parent, is now being turned around for my good as I hear the Holy Spirit speak truth over me.

We see the perfect example of identity alignment in Genesis 17 where God changes a man’s name from Abram, what he had been called at birth, to Abraham meaning the father of a multitude of nations. Why did God do this? 

It seems that in order to get Abraham to change the way he saw himself, God started calling Him by the name that aligned with his purpose and prophetic destiny.
What is your prophetic destiny? What is your purpose?

God will always give you destiny and purpose that leads you into intimacy and sonship with Him.

What name does God want to give to you in exchange for the word curses that have been spoken over you?

First identify the labels that have been placed on you, good and bad.

  • From a place of vulnerability and honesty, ask the Holy Spirit to show you which labels have been placed on you that are not from Him.

Once you have heard from Him, release those labels to the feet of Jesus and ask Father God what new name He is calling you in place of each old label.

  • Forgive the people who have put the wrong labels on you and release them from your judgment.

  • Pronounce a blessing on those who have hurt you.

  • Ask Jesus what gift He is giving you in place of unforgiveness and judgment.

I challenge you to allow Jesus to redeem the labels that have been placed on you since infancy. 

Are you ready to be free and take your place in the Royal Kingdom of Heaven? Book a Sozo session today and step into your birthright!


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