The Importance of Rest

We live in a world that is constantly on the go. We are busier (and more stressed) than ever before. 

Learning HOW to rest is essential to our overall mental, emotional, and physical health. We’re all familiar with the IDEA of rest, but what does it truly mean to rest and how can we do it well? 

What is the meaning of rest? 

We first see the concept of “rest” mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 2:2. God had just finished creating the whole world and everything in it. He took the 7th day and He rested. We’re all familiar with the story. 

One definition of the word rest is, “peace of mind or spirit.” To rest means to take time to slow down to refresh your mind, body, and emotions. Rest is essential to our overall health and well-being. 

Resting doesn’t just mean stopping all movement. It involves quieting your thoughts and slowing your actions to allow your body and mind to recover and be refreshed fully. 

Why is rest important? 

Rest is essential for several reasons, but here are 3 key reasons why it’s important. 

1-Physical Health

It’s not a shock that rest plays a significant role in our physical health. Our bodies can only handle so much before they begin to wear down! By taking time to stop and slow down, we give our bodies time to recover and repair themselves. Our bodies can regain the strength and energy they need to operate and function properly. 

When our physical bodies don’t get an adequate amount of rest it can affect our mental and spiritual health, too. Proper sleep, eating habits, and exercise can help our bodies function to the fullest capacity!

2-Mental Health

Rest aids our mental health and cognitive function. By taking breaks and getting enough sleep, you create time and space for your brain to recharge and process any informational overloads. Rest improves our concentration, focus, memory, and problem-solving skills. 

Give your brain a break from intense processing by taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the Lord. Prayer and meditating on His presence and scripture slows your brain down and lets you enter into a restful state of mind. 

3-Spiritual Health

Unfortunately, spiritual rest is the first thing we neglect even though it’s the most important! In the busyness of life, we can forget to take the time to slow down and just be with the Lord. 

Reading His word, praying, soaking in His presence, and taking time to worship Him create space for our spirits to rest in Him. 

Without these things in our life, we can become overwhelmed and anxious, forgetting to stop for the One whom our strength and peace is found. 

Rest is a necessary element in our lives that we all can forget to include in the day-to-day. Take some time to ask the Lord how to incorporate active rest into your daily life. Taking time to rest can bring you refreshment, peace, and strength.


The Faith Walk


Emotional Intelligence