Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to process and manage one’s own emotions. Though a newly discussed topic, it is extremely important in our overall well-being.

By developing our self-awareness and learning how to process our emotions, we can live fully in joy, wholeness, and freedom.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (also called EQ) enables us to recognize and understand our own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. This self-awareness helps in decision-making, stress management, and maintaining self-confidence.

Emotional intelligence cultivates healthy communication, empathy, and conflict-resolution skills. It helps to have stronger relationships in all areas of life by learning to properly understand and respond to the emotions of others.

Developing our EQ improves our mental health and overall well-being. People with higher emotional intelligence are better equipped to handle challenges, maintain healthy relationships, and experience freedom mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

A limited understanding of emotional health can also have an impact on our physical bodies. Chronic stress and consistent negative or unprocessed emotions can weaken our immune systems, cause inflammation and unhealthy sleep patterns, and drain our energy. By learning the importance of and practicing good emotional regulation we can live healthy and whole in all areas.

Signs of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence looks like this:

  • the ability to describe and identify what you’re feeling

  • an awareness of personal strengths and limits

  • feelings of empathy and concern for others

  • managing emotions in difficult moments

How can I learn and improve my emotional intelligence?

A great way to improve your emotional intelligence and health is to learn how to process and regulate your emotions. Invite the Holy Spirit in before you begin the journey of processing your emotions. Here are 4 steps you can take.


What emotions exactly are you feeling? Do you feel stressed? Sad? Overwhelmed? Drained? Happy? Worried? You may be feeling several different emotions at once and maybe even a mixture of positive and negative. What emotions are your thoughts pointing to? Let God reveal things to you. This feeling wheel can also help you when identifying your emotions.

2-Accept and Feel

Your emotions are meant to be felt. It may be challenging but don’t rush past, diminish, or push away your feelings. Allow yourself to accept the feelings you’re currently experiencing and sit with them. Invite the Lord to sit in them with you. Ask Him to tell you what He thinks of your emotions. What does He want to do with them?


What caused the emotion that you’re feeling? It could be an event, a person, a thought, or anything at all! If you don’t know, ask the Father to help you by revealing the root of your emotion.

4-Address and Let Go

Is there a need you have that isn’t getting met? Are you carrying a burden that’s not meant for you? Are your thought patterns or mindsets unhealthy? Do you have any unforgiveness in your heart? Ask God a million questions if you need to, but allow Him to help you manage what you’ve discovered. He may ask you to do something or let go of someone. Let Him lead you in this process.

Learning about emotional intelligence and health is key to walking in the total freedom and breakthrough God has designed us to live in. By developing our skills and using different tools, we can live emotionally free and healthy.


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