The Leader Within You

You are by design and DNA a leader. Whether you’re leading yourself, family, a business, or ministry, you were MADE to be a leader!

Like most things in life, leadership is a skill! It’s something that develops as we learn and grow as an individual. What does it look like to walk in the leadership call on our lives in health and strength?

What does it mean to be a leader?

A leader is a person who is able to guide and inspire others to achieve certain personal or communal goals. Leadership involves the ability to provide direction, make decisions, set an example, and motivate people toward a shared vision. Healthy leaders display qualities like vision, empathy, integrity, and the ability to communicate well.  

Here are 5 qualities of healthy leadership. 

Defining Qualities of Leadership

1-Emotional Intelligence

A healthy leader is one who is able to manage, identify, and process their emotions. They understand that others are not responsible for their emotions. They’re able to read the environment that they’re in and pay attention to what’s happening in the atmosphere. In this, they know what to bring and how to show up emotionally for those around them. 


A good leader is one who is confident in themselves. They understand who they are in Christ, what He has given them, and what He has created them to do. Healthy leaders have to be confident in their decision-making and their ability to lead in any and every setting! Confidence is key in leadership. 


Along with confidence comes humility. True leadership is coming alongside those you’re leading and doing it with them! We’re imperfect humans who make mistakes and who have weaknesses. Understanding and acknowledging limitations, admitting mistakes, and knowing that the Lord is their source of strength are keys to maintaining a humble heart in leadership. 


Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to the feelings of others. Healthy leaders are empathetic and that enables them to connect more strongly and easily with those around them. They listen actively, show genuine concern for other’s emotional well-being, and consider the perspectives and feelings of others when making decisions.


The world is ever-changing and so are people! Adaptability is a cornerstone quality in leadership. No two situations are going to look the same! Healthy leaders are flexible, open to change, and can pivot when necessary. They are willing to embrace new ideas and ways of doing things to keep things moving forward. 

Leadership is not limited. It is for everyone. It's a role that anyone can play and a skill set that can be developed in anyone no matter the background or personality. You were born to be a leader and a powerful one at that.


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