Boundaries: An Act of Love

Did you know that the purpose of boundaries is to protect, not punish? 

We want to debunk the myths and lies surrounding boundaries. They’re created not to push people away, but to actually draw them closer and strengthen connections. 

How do healthy boundaries enable us to love ourselves and the people around us better? Learning what good boundaries look like and how to set them can help us to better sustain and grow the relationships in our lives. 

Boundaries protect connection.

Boundaries are so much more about what you’re saying “yes” to rather than what you’re saying “no” to. Boundaries allow us to protect our relationships by determining what we let happen within them. 

More often than not, people view boundaries as an act of punishment or a means to keep someone out. When in reality, the true purpose of boundaries is to protect and maintain what has already been established and allow it to grow and thrive in a healthy way. 

Connection is vital in the life we live and protecting it is as equally important. 

Consistent boundaries help build trust in our relationships. When people trust that their boundaries will be honored, they are more likely to let their guard down and build stronger emotional connections. 

Boundaries are an act of love. 

Knowing what the source of your boundaries is and identifying your needs when setting a boundary is vitally important. Are you creating a boundary because you’re afraid of letting someone in or are you creating a boundary because you want to protect the beauty of a growing and evolving relationship? 

When we’re looking at boundaries, it’s important for us to see them for what they truly are, which is an act of love. 

Boundaries help us to say “yes” and “no” to what we do and don’t want in our relationships. They give us a sense of ownership and help us to feel safe and secure within connection. 

We can also love other people better when we set boundaries. Sometimes, we need to set a boundary because of our own history. Maybe we’ve struggled with co-dependency or insecure attachment styles in the past. As we learn how to have healthy relationships, boundaries help to keep the other person safe and love them fully in the healthiest way possible. 

Boundaries play a key piece in love. They facilitate and cultivate healthy communication, protection, and emotional connection in relationships. They create a framework in which love can thrive, allowing each person to care for and support one another. Boundaries are not barriers to love but rather the structure that allows love to flourish in a healthy and sustainable way.

Boundaries Lab 2023

Coming up in less than a month, the TC, along with a few other powerful people, will be hosting Boundaries Lab! This is a 2 day school where you will learn the how, when, and why behind boundaries. 

This event will be Friday, October 27th-Saturday, October 28th. Join us at the Bethel Twin View sanctuary for a time of loving, learning, and leading. Click here to register now!


The Leader Within You


The Power of Love