Who Am I?

“Who am I?” Most likely that’s a question we’ve all asked at some point in our life. At our core, who are we really and truly? What is our purpose? What were we made for? 

Identity is a core value that needs to be fulfilled in every human. We’re born searching for our identity. It’s innately in us to want to be known! The Father has given us the answer to the most asked question. 

We’re made in His image.

“So god created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” -Genesis 1:27 

God created humans. He formed us with His hands and designed us in His image. We were created to reflect the image of a beautiful and perfect Father. 

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139 that God knit us together in our mother’s womb. Before we were ever seen here on earth, He saw us. It’s in our DNA. Even before we believed in Him and said “yes” to Jesus as our Savior, we were His masterpiece. 

We’ve been adopted. 

God’s intention for all of us is salvation and freedom. It’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. Jesus died on OUR behalf. He bore all of our sins and shame so that we could be made whole and reconciled to the Father (2nd Corinthians 5:18). He paid the price we couldn’t pay.

When we received salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we were adopted into the royal family of heaven. We moved from sinner to saint, from slave to friend, from orphan to child. We quite literally become a new creation in Him! The blood of Jesus covers and cleanses any and everything that came before. 

“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father!’” -Romans 8:15

We are His children! He made a way for us to be with Him. He longs for closeness and relationship with us. He wants to love, protect, and take care of us as a good Father would. We get to rest in Him knowing He is a loving Father who is moving and creating for our good.

So, who are we? 

First and foremost, at our very core, we are children of God. This is who we are. It’s in the tone of Dad that God speaks to and teaches us. 

In the journey of identity, you are first His child. He loves you and He is your champion. He is there to guide, lead, and help in any way. If we want to learn who we are, we turn to Him. He carries all the knowledge and truth about you. After all, He made you! 

We can grow and learn identity by seeking His truth, meditating on the scriptures in His Word, and spending time with Him. We were made to reflect and look like Him. The more time we spend looking AT Him, the more we begin to look LIKE Him.

Identity is a process. Just like with anything else, we have to learn and grow in who we are. He knows this and He is more than willing to teach and show us as we pursue it. Sozo is a great place to start!

Sozo was designed to break off lies and strongholds and bring healing to past wounds through a revelation of the truth of God’s Word. Click here if you’re ready to say “yes” to a journey of identity.


The Journey Toward Wholeness


Vulnerability vs Transparency