The Journey Toward Wholeness

“It’s for freedom’s sake that Christ has set us free…” -Galatians 5:1

We all want to be free and whole people. We desire to be healed of past pain and trauma, walking confidently in breakthrough. However, taking the first step can be easier said than done. What does it ACTUALLY look like to pursue inner healing? Let’s dive in and find out. 

What is inner healing? 

To pursue inner healing, we must first know what it is! 

Inner healing in its simplest form is the process of dealing with pain, trauma, ways of thinking, lies, or different strongholds that would prevent us from walking in the fullness of our relationship with God, ourselves, and others. 

We all have different experiences we’ve walked through in life that did more harm than good. We were never meant to live with or be bound by the effects of the past. The Father sent His only Son Jesus to die on behalf of our past. He bore not only our sins but all of the pain, too. He was wounded so that we could be healed. Inner healing brings redemption and reconciliation to the brokenhearted.  

Who needs inner healing? 

Everyone needs inner healing! Unless you grew up knowing how to handle your emotions and process pain properly and quickly, most likely there are things from past relationships and circumstances that you need inner healing for. 

Inner healing deals with the beliefs of our hearts. For example, we may believe in our head that God is a good Father who takes care of His children, but in the depths of our hearts do we truly believe that? If your dad was absent emotionally or physically, this might be a hard truth to believe! 

How do we know we need inner healing? 

You may need inner healing when: 

1-The emotions that you feel when talking about an event from a long time ago are still fresh. The feelings are just as strong now as they were then. 

2-Your emotions get the best of you in tough situations. You may overreact to the smallest things. 

3-You find that the same negative situation tends to repeat itself. 

4-You just can’t seem to let go of a situation or person. You want to, but something in you truly can’t.

How do we pursue inner healing? 

Pursuing inner healing and wholeness is much simpler than it seems. 

The first step is awareness. To pursue healing, we must first be aware of our need for it. Knowing and understanding that there might be areas of pain or wounding in your life can help posture your heart in a way to receive the breakthrough it actually needs.

The second step is acknowledgment. Acknowledge that you do have pain. Take notice that there may be trauma or wounds in your life. Maybe there’s unprocessed pain. Notice it and give yourself grace and love. Don’t take on any self-condemnation, blame, or guilt. Having wounds or pain doesn't make you weak or flawed. Embrace the vulnerability and give yourself permission to heal.

Lastly, seek support and help. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, and professionals such as Sozo ministers or counselors. Find people who can provide guidance, empathy, and a safe space to discuss your feelings and experiences.

Is inner healing possible? 

Simply put, YES! God is the healer and He wants us free more than we want to be free! It may take time or it may be in an instant. Either way, healing, restoration, and freedom are possible and available through the love of a perfect Father. 

If you’re ready to take the first step and say “yes” to inner healing, click here to get started. It’s time for breakthrough.


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