A Culture of Honor

“Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other.”

-Romans 12:10 

To honor someone is to hold them in high respect or great esteem. We are called to be people who give and display honor to others. We don’t give honor necessarily because people deserve it, but because we are honorable people!

One of Bethel’s Core Values is, “Honor Affirms Value.” Honor recognizes the best in others despite any differences. Everyone has been made by God and in His image. Honor affirms this value and identity in those around us. 

What does honor look like? 

Honor is the ability to see someone the way that God sees them, through a heavenly perspective, and treat them in this way despite any differences you may have. We show honor and respect to everyone not based on behavior or self-definition, but because of who God has made them to be. 

Honor is demonstrated through consistent respect in word and action toward those we lead, follow, love, and disagree with. Honor isn’t controlling others, but it does speak truth in love, sets solid boundaries, and brings healthy correction. Honor shows love and respect even if we don’t receive anything in return. 

What does honor do? 

In today’s society and culture, honor isn’t something we see displayed very often, if at all. We live in a culture that brings shame with a difference of opinion, behavior, or belief system.  To show true honor is counter-cultural and radical in nature! 

Honor AFFIRMS the value and identity of any individual. Honor creates safety and trust and builds a bridge for connection to grow and the Spirit of unity to come. By showing honor, we not only show up as who God made us to be but we demonstrate to others who God made them to be and what’s truly available to them. 

Why do we honor? 

Every human is made in the image of God. This is who we are. Underneath any shame, far past any sin, we are all creations of the ultimate Creator. Honor sees this, calls it out, and demonstrates it. Jesus died to bring freedom and restore ALL people to the Father. Everyone is significant and is worthy to be treated in such a way. 

We are honorable people. What does this mean? An honorable person is someone who believes in the truth and lives by it. We believe in the truth of God’s word, the truth that He has spoken about us, and the people around us. By being honorable people, we extend honor to others in return. 

Honor isn’t agreement or conformity. Honor doesn’t aim to please man or peacekeep. Honor is simply treating people according to their God-given identity. Everyone is made in His image whether they’re aware of it or not. Our responsibility as His children is to treat people in such a way that they come to the realization of their destiny as a child of the King.


An Attitude of Gratitude


The Journey Toward Wholeness