An Attitude of Gratitude

“An attitude of gratitude.” It’s a common phrase most of us have heard. But, what does that truly mean? Ephesians 5:20 tells us to, “Give thanks always and for everything.” 

"An attitude of gratitude" is a phrase that encourages us to adopt a mindset of thankfulness and appreciation for what we have in life, rather than what we lack. It cultivates a sense of contentment and appreciation for the blessings and opportunities we’ve been given.

What is gratitude? 

Gratitude: “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for…”  

Gratitude is a feeling or attitude of thankfulness and appreciation for life's big and little things. It’s a heart posture. This looks like recognizing and acknowledging the goodness in your life. Gratitude goes beyond just "thank you.” It is a genuine heartfelt recognition of the beauty in life.

Gratitude is very similar to appreciation. It looks at what you have in your life, acknowledges its goodness, and says thank you. It can turn what we view as a lack into abundance. It changes our perspective. 

Why is gratitude important? 

Gratitude can quite literally change our thinking about certain seasons or circumstances in life. When we actively practice it, it helps to keep us rooted and grounded in truth and thankfulness. 

When we express gratitude for the things we have in life, it helps to align us with the heart of God. The Father in nature is generous and He pours out blessings, favor, and abundance in our lives. When we take time to express our gratitude we’re acknowledging His goodness and provision.

Gratitude has many effects on a person’s well-being. When we’re grateful, we can capture and connect to the heart of God in an easy way. Gratitude also affects our mental and emotional well-being. Being thankful can improve your sleep quality, and mood, and boost your immunity! It can decrease depression, anxiety, physical pain, and disease. 

3 qualities of a Grateful Heart

Here are 3 qualities of a grateful heart:


A grateful heart is one that’s defined by genuine appreciation. It recognizes and values the kindness, support, and blessings received from the Father and others. Being appreciative goes beyond mere awareness. It looks like extending a genuine sense of thankfulness and recognition of the beauty and goodness in life. It reflects a positive and open attitude that actively seeks and celebrates the positive, contributing to a more joyful and fulfilling existence.


Gratitude often comes with a sense of humility. A grateful heart acknowledges that not everything is achieved alone. It recognizes what God has done as well as the contributions of others. Humble gratitude involves a deep appreciation for what the Lord and others have contributed to one's life.


Gratitude can grow empathy in our lives. It cultivates an understanding of the role others play in our lives. People make a huge difference and gratitude recognizes that! It shows a level of support and recognition for how people have sown into our lives. Gratitude helps us to see people the way the Father sees them and gives us a heart for His people. 

Gratitude is a choice. Much like we choose to love, we must also choose to be grateful even when we don’t feel like it. It’s an invitation from the Father. When we practice gratitude, it opens up our hearts to receive all that God has for us. It helps us to acknowledge who He is and all He’s done. We get to learn His nature and go deeper in relationship.


The Ministry of Reconciliation


A Culture of Honor