The Ministry of Reconciliation

“Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed the message of reconciliation to us.” -2nd Corinthians 5:18-19 

The ministry of reconciliation is a big part of the Christian walk, but so many of us don’t actually have the understanding of what it is or the awareness of its work in our lives. What does it look like to receive this ministry and live it out in everyday life? 

What is reconciliation?

The definition of reconciliation is, “To restore to friendship.”  

2nd Corinthians tells us that God reconciled us to Himself through Jesus. He sent Jesus, His one and only Son, to die on the cross on behalf of all of humanity. Jesus bore all our sin and shame, anything that would separate us from the Father so that we could be restored back into friendship and communion with Him. 

Jesus was God’s plan for redemption and restoration. Reconciliation is the end of separation between God and man.

What does it look like to be reconciled? 

We have full access to God and His kingdom because of reconciliation. Reconciliation paved the way for and restored us back into intimacy with God. Because of this, we get to come close to Him and Him to us. 

He holds nothing against us. Any sin, shame, guilt, or mistakes that we would think disqualify us from being close to God have already been paid for and forgiven through the blood of Jesus. 

There’s no exception to this fact! The blood of Jesus is for everyone. He chose everyone and there are no special people He chooses to receive this gift. He reconciled the WORLD to Himself, not just a few special people. 

What is available to us through reconciliation? 

Through the gift and ministry of reconciliation, we receive FREEDOM! We get to be free from sin, pain, trauma, old wounds, and any and all patterns that would hinder us from coming close to Him and growing into our truest selves. 

Hebrews 4 tells us that we can approach the throne of grace with boldness so that we freely receive His mercy and grace. Reconciliation made this possible! 

We don’t have to be perfect or clean to come near Him. We don’t have to “fix” ourselves or change who we are to be in His Presence. We get to be reconciled, restored to friendship, with a perfect Heavenly Father. 

Your life was worth the death and resurrection of Jesus. He finds so much value in who you are and He loves you so much. You were worth His sacrifice. Freely He gave and freely you can receive. 

If you’re ready to step into greater freedom and heal your view of God, yourself, and others, we’re here to help. Click here to get started. 


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An Attitude of Gratitude