Choose Celebration

Comparison is something that we begin to experience at such a young age. We compare the toys we have, the food we eat, and the clothes we wear. Then, as we grow up, we begin to look at relationships, jobs, financial status…you get the idea. 

But, we were never meant to measure ourselves against someone else. We weren’t made in the image of man, we were made in the image of God. If we want to break partnership with comparison and shift our perspectives, we can choose to celebrate ourselves and the people around us. 

What does comparison do? 

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Theodore Roosevelt 

Everyone has experienced comparison at some point in their life. As a human, it’s natural for us to look at the lives of others and measure our own next to them. Sometimes, comparison can motivate us to go after the things we want and give us the initiative to pursue growth and learning. That’s the healthy way!

But, 9 times out of 10, when we compare we get stuck in a shame spiral. We begin to feel like we aren’t good enough or that we fall short. We start to dwell on the areas of lack and we get discouraged. Instead of letting it motivate us forward, we become introspective and get caught right where we’re at. 

The thing with comparison is that it can be a thief. It can steal our joy and peace and twist the way we view ourselves. 

“Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.”

-Galatians 6:4

We’re called to only measure ourselves against ourselves. Everyone is unique, with an individual calling and plan assigned to them. If we try to compare our lives to the lives of those we know or see online, we will always feel like we fall short. 

But the truth is we were never created to be like anyone else. The Lord created all of us uniquely. We all look different and have different personalities and gift sets. He was intentional in His creation with us. 

God in Himself is incomparable. There is no one like Him. We were created in His image. If no one can be found like God, then the same is true for us!

How do we shift comparison? 

If you find yourself stuck in the shame spiral of comparison, there’s an easy way to shift your perspective; celebration. 

Celebration is the opposite of comparison. It takes our eyes off the little and focuses on the much. John 10:10 tells us that the enemy comes to steal, but that Jesus came to give us life abundantly. 

By championing, encouraging, supporting, and celebrating others (and ourselves) we can break free from unhealthy comparison. Celebration changes the way we think and what we focus on. We can break the cycle of comparison and shake off shame by recognizing what the Lord has done in our own lives and in the lives of others. 


Triggers: How, What, When, and Why?


The Ministry of Reconciliation