Triggers: How, What, When, and Why?

We’ve all heard the word “trigger” before. It’s become sort of a buzzword in today’s world. But, do we actually know what a trigger is and what actually takes place within us when we become triggered? 

Being triggered is much more than just being offended or upset by something. It goes much deeper than that. But, through learning how to identify and process our triggers, we can walk into greater freedom forever. 

What is a “trigger?” 

So, what is a trigger to begin with? A trigger is an emotional response that stems from something that reminds us of a past traumatic event we experienced. Our senses play a huge part in forming memories. When we live through trauma, our senses are activated and hold onto the memory. This is why certain smells, places, people, physical touch, or sounds can be triggering.

Some things that might be triggering are: 

-loud noises

-smells or tastes 

-certain holidays or anniversaries 

-sickness or injury 

-sounds or sights

How do I know if I’m triggered?

Triggers are sensory reminders of a past painful moment or memory. When we experience something that triggers us, we have an emotional response. Our heart may race, we might clench our fists, grind our teeth, or start breathing unevenly. 

You have to pay attention to what you’re feeling and experiencing in your physical and emotional being. Pay attention to what emotions are arising. Is there fear, anger, or sadness? Look at what’s happening in your body. Are you shaking? Are your muscles clenched? How’s your heart rate? By noticing the different reactions within us, we can better understand when we’re triggered. 

I’m triggered…now what? 


Being able to identify what you’re feeling is the first step when processing triggers. It’s easier to know what triggered us if we know what the symptoms of the triggers are. 


Take a moment and think back on the circumstance or situation you were in right before these intense reactions came. What were you doing? Where were you at? Who were you with? What were you talking about? Because triggers are typically attached to past trauma, things that happened during that event or are similar can cause the trigger.

 But, if you think about it and it doesn’t make sense, don’t worry! Sometimes we’re triggered and we don’t know why! We can ask the Lord why. He is really faithful to give clarity. 


Invite the Lord in and ask Him what He has to say. Sometimes we get confused or stuck when processing our triggers. But, God knows us so well and when we call on Him and ask Him questions, He is there to tell us things we didn’t know before. Ask Him why. Ask Him what His truth is. Ask Him what He wants to do with the memory or trigger. Allow Him to bring you comfort, peace, and healing. 

Remember, that you don’t have to navigate these challenging situations on your own. You can seek help from family, friends, or a counselor to help you process your triggers and trauma. We’re here to help you get the lasting freedom Jesus paid for on the cross. Click here to get started.


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