Peace is a Person

Did you know that peace is a Person? 

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” -John 14:27

When Jesus went back to be with the Father after His resurrection, He didn’t leave us alone on earth to fend for ourselves! He knew that we would need help. He left us the Holy Spirit to be our Helper and Comforter. 

Peace is a Heart Posture 

Oftentimes, when we think of living in peace, we imagine a life that is calm without any extra stressful responsibilities (or people.) We might imagine a life that’s perfect! But, we were never created to live in perfection, but in relationship and dependency. 

The beautiful truth is that we can live in perfect peace even when life around us is in chaos. This is because we have the Person of Peace, the Holy Spirit living inside of us. 

The Hebrew word for peace is “shalom” and it means, “contentment, fullness, and well-being.” True peace is a heart posture. It’s an internal state of being because of the influence of the Holy 

Peace in the Swirl

The Christmas season can be quite stressful, triggering, or challenging for many people. There are so many added extra responsibilities, time commitments, family obligations, and more. Walking in peace isn’t necessarily our default. 

But, when we lean into the Holy Spirit, when we allow Him to be the one who determines our schedule and guides our steps, we can enter into true rest and peace. 

In Matthew 8, we see Jesus sleeping in the middle of a wild and intense storm. All of His disciples were worried and afraid, yet He was resting. He knew that within Him, He had the power to silence the storm and He lived in perfect peace. 

The same power that Jesus had to calm the storm lives within you! You have the power to shift the chaotic atmosphere through the help of the Holy Spirit. 

Peace is not necessarily the absence of chaos or stress. It’s not determined or given based on our circumstances. It comes down to our heart posture. Peace is the presence of Holy Spirit affecting and seeping into every situation. He loves you and longs to fill you up with Himself and bring you peace and comfort. 

When you find yourself slipping into fear, chaos, or stress, invite the Holy Spirit to come. Ask Him to fill you. Allow Him to show you the next steps and speak truth and clarity into your heart. He is the Person of Peace and your Helper in every moment.


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