The Effects of Trauma

Trauma is a buzzword in today’s society. It’s a topic that hasn’t always been highly discussed but is gaining popularity and awareness with the rise of mental and emotional health conversations. 

The reality is that everyone experiences some sort of traumatic event, whether through a first or secondhand experience, in their lifetime. Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and affects everyone uniquely. Let’s look at how trauma can affect us. 

What is trauma? 

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing event. If you feel tied to a moment or stuck in a situation from the past, it could be the result of trauma.

Trauma can look like car accidents, assault, bullying, a sudden life change, the loss of a loved one, medical issues, unmet emotional needs, or natural disasters. Trauma is defined personally, differently from one person to another. What might be traumatic for one might not be for another and vice versa. 

But, we have a good Father who longs for His children to walk in wholeness. He made it possible for us to live free from the wounds of the past. He sent Jesus to die for the redemption and restoration of the past. We are new creations in Him. 

The 3 Affects of Trauma

1- Mental and Emotional

Trauma can cause a range of mental and emotional issues. It can cause us to feel numb or completely overwhelmed with emotion. It can produce feelings of shame, guilt, fear, and sadness. 

This can look like:

  • anxiety 

  • depression

  • memory loss 

  • guilt 

  • shame

  • negative self-view

  • anger 


Trauma can leave long-lasting effects on our bodies, too! The term “embodied trauma” refers to how traumatic moments are stored, expressed, or manifested in our bodies. Trauma isn’t merely mental. 

This looks like:

  • -muscle tension

  • -chronic pain or illness

  • -trouble sleeping 

  • -being easily overwhelmed 


Trauma has a way of hindering us from knowing what’s true. It can affect our identities and our ability to form and maintain connections. 

This can look like:

  • -loss of sense of purpose 

  • -questioning truth and reality 

  • -disconnecting from God 

  • -feelings of loneliness 

  • -self-protection and unhealthy coping 

Yes, trauma is real. But, it doesn’t have to have to stay with us forever. Jesus paved the way for us to walk in wholeness in all ways; body, soul, and spirit. He already paid the price for our healing and it’s a gift He offers to us freely. It is possible to live in full health and healing. 

If you feel stuck in the effects of past trauma, we’re here to encourage you that healing is your inheritance and it’s available NOW! Click here to get started.


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