Generational Cycles

The term “generational cycles” is rising in popularity in our society along with the topics of mental and emotional health. A generational cycle in its simplest form is something that is passed from one generation to the next.

We are called to be cycle breakers. We are powerful people who hold the authority to change the trajectory of our lives and the lives of future generations with just one “yes.” 

What is a generational cycle? 

A generational cycle is a pattern of behaviors or traits that are passed down from one generation to the next. These cycles affect the majority of people whether they’re aware of it or not. 

If you find that history repeats itself in your family line, this could be a result of a generational cycle! This can look like addiction, habitual sins, financial troubles, poor communication or boundaries, behavioral patterns, or physical and mental illnesses. 

Generational cycles are passed down subconsciously. The cycle repeats itself from one generation to the next until someone steps out to break it. 

How can you be a cycle breaker? 

“I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’

-Matthew 16:19

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have been given a measure of authority over the things of the enemy. What once used to hold us captive no longer has power over us because of Jesus! Isn’t that encouraging? 

We don’t have to live stuck in what once was. We get to walk in a new way. We are new creations in Christ with a new identity in Him. Part of that identity includes “cycle” breaker. 

Becoming a cycle breaker requires awareness. We learn to recognize these patterns, we see them for what they are, and we break partnership with them. When we choose to break the agreement with these cycles, we are saying “no” to the old way of living and “yes” to the life God designed for us. 

The Father is good and gracious. He is our biggest champion. We don’t have to tackle these generational cycles on our own. He is faithful to answer when we call! Sozo is an excellent resource if you’re ready to take the steps of breaking the cycles in your family line. Click here to get started.

You are not bound to the sins of those who came before you. Your past is not who you are and the decisions of before don’t have to dictate your future. You CAN live differently. It’s time for breakthrough.


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