Healing is Easy

More often than not, when we look at our lives, our past, present, and future, it’s extremely easy to become overwhelmed. We see all the mess and we think, “This is going to take forever to clean up.” But, the truth of the matter is healing is simple

Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave was for us. He chose a sinner's death that he didn’t deserve so we could be made whole in every way. He paid the ultimate price so that we wouldn’t have to. He paved the way for our freedom. 

It’s easier than you think. 

Pursuing healing and wholeness doesn’t have to be difficult! We have the opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit as we walk out the steps toward healing. We don’t have to force His hand or strive to get His attention. 

God’s will for us IS freedom. He desires for us to live from pain, trauma, lies, and hurt. It’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. God knew we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own. The Father knew that our own human strength wouldn’t be enough. But, by Jesus' blood and with the Holy Spirit’s help, He knew that freedom would be possible for us. 

Take comfort in the fact that you don’t have to do it alone! He is there to help you and lead you out onto the other side. 

Healing looks like surrender. 

All Jesus asked for in return for His sacrifice was a surrendered heart and a willing “yes” when He speaks. No, healing doesn’t have to be hard, but it does require surrender.

To be fully whole and free sometimes requires a level of sacrifice. It may look like letting go of things that made you feel comfortable and safe, walking away from unhealthy relationships, and quitting harmful habits. Fully committing to breakthrough looks like fully committing to Jesus, no matter the cost. 

Healing is unique from person to person and everyone’s journey looks different. What may work for one person may not work for another. It’s important that as you’re living out your healing journey you leave comparison at the door. Trust the path that the Father has you on. He knows you better than you know yourself and He knows exactly the kind of breakthrough that you need. 

Sozo Encounters

You don’t have to do this journey on your own! Here at the TC, we are committed to helping you reach the breakthrough and freedom that’s your inheritance. That’s why we created the Sozo Encounters E-Course.

You were designed to live in freedom and connection with the Father, but, we get it. Life can get in the way sometimes. The beauty of Sozo is that it was designed to uproot anything that should separate us from the Lord and His people. 

If you’re in a place where you feel stuck, disconnected, or trapped in cycles of pain or trauma, know you’re not alone and that it’s normal! You were created to do day-to-day life with God and experience the fullness of the Kingdom which is love, peace, and joy. Sozo can help you be who and where you were meant to be. 

The Sozo Encounters e-course is a 6-week course that includes 7 specialty Sozo demo sessions facilitated by our Sozo ministers. Whether you’re at the beginning of your healing journey or you’ve been on it for a while, this e-course can fill you with hope and help you obtain a new level of freedom and intimacy with the Father. 

You get to experience the Father’s love and freedom in every minute of every day for the rest of your life. Don’t let fear or the feeling of being overwhelmed get the best of you. We’re here to encourage you that you CAN do this. It’s time for breakthrough. 

Click here for more information and registration for Sozo Encounters 2023.


Generational Cycles


Living Connected