Living Connected

By nature, we are sociable beings and we need relationships to survive. When we lack connection, we actually live in deficiency! 

People who have healthy relationships are more likely to thrive in every aspect of life. Meaningful connection, whether it’s social, emotional, or psychological, is a key factor in influencing our overall health. 

The Father’s Heart for Connection

“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone…’” -Genesis 2:18

The Father created us out of His desire for connection and relationship. He made Adam to be with Him and Eve to be with Adam.  When that connection was severed, He sent Jesus to die for the restoration of that connection. We were literally created out of and for relationship.  Our whole purpose is to live connected; connected to the Father’s heart, our own heart, and the hearts of others. We are truly better together. 

The Impact of Connection

Connection is super important! Quality connections can have a profound impact on several different areas of our lives. 

Mental Health

Loneliness is a feeling a lot of people experience and is more common than realized. For people who struggle with isolation, mental struggles are also common. Connection and relationships can help to combat these feelings and bring healing and restoration.

Focusing on your relationships with your family, friends, and community can help reduce feelings of loneliness, provide emotional support, reduce unnecessary stress, and foster a sense of belonging. 

Physical Health

We are triune beings; body, soul, and spirit. Healthy connections can trigger physical responses that influence our bodies. 

Social connections have been linked to promoting a stronger immune system, lowering blood pressure, hormone regulation, counteracting cognitive decline, and improving sleep quality. 

Emotional Health

It’s no surprise that relationships affect our emotional health. People can provide us with the emotional support we need in difficult moments. Having someone to talk to, share your feelings with, and receive empathy from can help when managing emotions and reducing distress. 

Connection provides a sense of validation, joy, and acceptance. Having an outlet for emotional expression and processing can lead to release and regulation. 

Spiritual Health

Living connected to the Father is the most important connection of all. Experiencing a relationship with the Father allows you to experience the fullness of the life He created for you. 

The Father provides identity. He knows us better than we know ourselves. After all, He did create us! When we feel stuck, insecure, afraid, or lonely, He is there to love us and pour out His ultimate truth about who He made us to be. Learning how to be in connection with the Lord can teach us how to be in connection with people.

Connection is a powerful force God created for ALL of His children to experience. You were made for it and healthy connections are FOR you.

We know that connection and relationships aren’t always easy. People can fail and they aren’t perfect! But, you don't have to live with the effects of past relational wounds or hurts. Sozo can connect you with the Father’s heart and bring breakthrough and freedom to your heart and mind. Click here to get started.


Healing is Easy


4 Tools for Healthy Relationships