A Renewed Mind is a Renewed Life

“Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” 

-John 8:31-32

Our thought-life is powerful. What we believe to be true will dictate the decisions we make, how we build connections, and how we interact with others. Our thought patterns will create realities whether that’s our intention or not. 

This is why it’s important to learn the truth of God’s Word and what He has said about us and renew our minds with these truths. His truth will set us free from any limiting belief or lie and launch us into our true identity and destiny. 

The Truth Transforms

God’s words carry the power of transformation. As we hear His voice and read the Bible, the way we think and what we believe begins to take a new shape. His truth remolds our mindsets and gives us a fresh perspective. 

We were made in the image of God and we’re called to live a life following in Jesus’ footsteps. Jesus is our role model. How He acted and responded, what He believed to be true about His Father and the world around Him are the standard for us to build our lives upon.  We must let His way of doing things influence the way we do things. 

We learn how to live our lives by watching the people around us. When we’re children, we watch our parents, paying attention to how they handle things like relationships, finances, and conflict. As we get older, we begin to watch our friends, leadership, and other people close to us. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we pick up on “right and wrong” by observing other’s decision-making. 

But, as we know, no one is perfect. What we learn from others about the Lord, ourselves, and others may not necessarily be the truth that we were created to live by. This is why it’s important to listen to the voice of the Lord and learn the truth about who He is and who we are. Then, we can renew our minds with His words and transform the way we think and live. 

A Fresh Perspective

What does it look like to get God’s perspective in our lives? How do we exchange our belief systems for His truth? It’s truly very simple. You can start by inviting God to search you and know you. 

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” -Psalms 139:23-24

Allow God to reveal to you the places where you’re living your own way and not His. Ask Him if there are any lies you’re believing about Him, yourself, others, or circumstances. Surrender the lie, your belief system, to Him and ask Him to give you His truth in exchange. 

If you find yourself getting stuck in this process, unable to hear or discern what God is speaking to you, you don’t have to do it alone. A Sozo is a great way to connect with the heart of God and break down any barriers that would hinder you from hearing Him clearly. Click here for more information.

Once you have this truth from the Father, you can begin to renew your mind by meditating on His words. Declare what He has spoken to you over yourself daily. As you speak these words of truth over yourself, your thought patterns and mindsets will begin to shift. The decisions you make and how you interact with others will begin to reflect the Father’s words of truth. 

His Voice is Available 

The Father is always speaking to us and we were created to hear Him. It’s His desire to speak words of love, hope, power, peace, and joy over you. He has abundance for you and He wants to see you live in it. 

Are you ready to begin the journey of transformation and unlock God’s voice in your life? Join us in our new e-course, “Beginner’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice,” with Dawna De Silva. Pre-registration is open now! Click here for more information.


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