Learning God’s Voice

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” -Jeremiah 33:3

God is always speaking and it’s the desire of His heart to commune with His people. It can be easy for us to dismiss this truth and buy into the lie that He’s not speaking. Let’s dive into the learn more about the voice of God. 

Made to Hear His Voice 

As children of God, we were designed to hear His voice. A lie that many people believe tells us that God is not speaking or that we can’t hear His voice. But, the truth is that God is ALWAYS speaking and we were made to hear from Him. 

John 10:27 says that His sheep hear and know His voice. We are His sheep; His children,  therefore we have access to His voice. His voice isn’t kept to only be heard by a select few but by all. 

Common Blocks to God’s Voice

As we go through life, there are seasons where God’s voice is more clear than others. Many different things can hinder us from hearing God in the capacity we were created to. Here are 3 common blocks to hearing God’s voice. 

1-Past Wounds

We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. Things people have said, the way we were treated, what we observed in relationships, and different moments of trauma can leave lasting impressions on us. Even things we experienced as a child can follow us into adulthood and affect the way we live our lives.

Unforgiveness can skew how we hear and experience the Father’s voice. It keeps us locked up and bound from freely experiencing all that God has made available to us, including Himself. 

2-Distorted View of God

God loves to reveal Himself through His people. The relationships we have on earth can be reflective of the Trinity. Our earthly father and different male leaders reflect Father God, our siblings and friends reflect Jesus, and our mother and female leaders reflect the Holy Spirit. If you’ve ever been hurt by someone else, and most of us have, that hurt can affect the way we perceive the Godhead.

For example, if your earthly father was hyper-critical and harsh with you growing up, you may believe that God’s will be the same way. You may not be able to hear God because you’re subconsciously self-protecting out of fear of the past.


Sin can open a door for the voice of the enemy to become louder than the voice of God. Even if it seems small, like watching a movie or listening to music we know we shouldn’t, those decisions will add up over time. Open doors of sin can pull us farther and farther away from the voice of truth. We have to say “no” to sin in our lives, repent, and close the door once and for all. 

Discerning God’s Voice

How can we truly know when it’s God speaking to us and discern the difference between His voice, our voice, and the voice of the enemy? 

The first way to discern God’s voice is to look at how what you’re hearing aligns with Scripture. God will never contradict the Bible. It’s always a good idea to weigh what you’re hearing next to the Word of God. If it goes against the Bible, then it probably isn’t Him speaking! 

Pay attention to what the voice sounds and feels like. Is the voice angry, scared, harsh, or sad? Is the voice belittling? Pay attention to the thoughts that are consistently playing throughout your mind. Again, if they go against the nature of God in scripture, it isn’t Him! 

If you’re in a place where you’re having a hard time hearing the voice of God or discerning His voice in your life, we’re here to help. Sozo ministry was designed with your breakthrough in mind. Sozo breaks down the barriers between us and the Lord, brings us back into connection with Him, and helps us to walk in the freedom and healing Jesus paid for on the cross. If you’re ready to say “yes” to your freedom and take the first step toward breakthrough, click here to get started.


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