God and Grief

“Jesus wept.” -John 11:35

Grief is a normal part of the human experience. Our lives are ever-changing, moving, and transitioning, with loss being a pivotal catalyst for that change. 

Whether you’re mourning the loss of a person, a job, a season, or a dream, it’s essential that you go through the process of grieving. This complex process of emotions can and should draw you closer to the Father.

What is grief?

Grief is the expression of deep sorrow and sadness. It stems from the loss of someone or something you value and love. Grief is not linear and looks different for everyone. It can be intense, but it’s a natural reaction to an absence of a loved one, the end of a season, or unfulfilled dreams, expectations, and desires.

Grief is a unique and individual process that can result in physical, mental, and emotional changes. But nonetheless, grief is NORMAL.

In the story of Lazurus in John 11:17-44, Jesus wept with Lazurus’ sisters over the death of their brother and His friend. He experienced grief and went through the process. Jesus knew that He could and would raise Lazarus from the dead, yet He took the time to sit with these sisters and experience this emotional journey with them. In verse 33, it says that Jesus was, “deeply moved.” He felt what the sisters were feeling and He didn’t shy away from it. 

Finding God in Grief

Our emotions were designed to point us to the cross and our need for God. They were created to pull us closer to Him. 

Jesus was fully God AND fully man. He experienced a normal human life so that He could relate to us in our moments of pain and intense emotion. 

The most important thing you can do in the midst of grief is to let yourself FEEL. Feel anything and everything. Don’t stifle your emotions or deem any feeling unimportant. Let yourself experience the beauty of your humanity in your intense emotions. 

Pastor Bill Johnson says, “Worshipping in pain is only possible this side of heaven…” We can only find God in pain here on earth. When we get to heaven, we won’t get to experience that. It’s a privilege and a unique experience to find Him in the hard moments.

In the midst of your feelings, ask God what He thinks about them. What does He think about your sadness, anger, or confusion?  Invite Him into your emotions and let Him sit and grieve with you. His favorite thing to do is be with us, in the good and the bad. 

The truth is that God is good no matter what. It’s His nature and He never contradicts Himself. If you’re in the middle of an intense grieving season, invite Him in and let Him move. Ask Him what He’s thinking. Ask Him what His thoughts are toward you in this season. Ask Him to comfort and guide you. Let Him lead you through this time and you will come out of it stronger with a deeper connection to the Father’s heart unlike ever before. 


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