Transitioning Well

Change is all around us. Everyone is navigating some sort of transition or another. Whether it’s changing a job, beginning a marriage, moving to a new place, the loss of a loved one, or the birth of a new baby, life is always moving.

Transition and change can be difficult, but it’s also a really beautiful thing. It’s important that as life moves we move with it. 

Steps to Action

How can we face the transitions of life and navigate them well?


The first thing to do is to embrace the change that’s taking place. It’s difficult to transition with ease if we’re against the transition! Transition and change are opportunities for growth, acceleration, and new opportunities. When the Lord presents us with change, it’s always for our benefit. 


Set yourself goals and create an action plan. In this new season, what do you want to see take place? What do you want to happen? How do you want to grow? What do you want to create? Come up with a plan and realistic goals you can achieve in this transition. 


Find people around you who will support, encourage, and champion you in this new season. The people who you choose should love you enough to speak the truth when you need to hear it, keep you on track, and call you up higher. It may be helpful to get a life coach or a counselor. 


Keep a heart posture of flexibility. Be willing to pivot when necessary. If something isn’t working or you’re getting stuck, change it up and switch things around. Remaining adaptable will help you navigate any challenges that may occur. 

He is in control.

Ultimately, God is in control and He has a purpose and a plan for every season of our lives. Before we existed on earth, He had our lives mapped out. He knew we’d be in the season we’re in before we did. He is good and trustworthy, no matter what you’re facing. Invite Him into your transition. Seek Him in the midst and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


A Fatherless Generation


God and Grief