Getting Back on Your Feet

Have you ever faced a loss, transition, or event so significant that it stops you right where you are? The effect of the moment is so significant that it makes it feel challenging, confusing, and maybe even impossible to move forward.

If so, you’re not alone. Life is ever-changing and there will always be unexpected changes that take place. But, we’re here to encourage you that it’s not impossible to get back on your feet and move forward again. Healing is possible even after the most painful transitions.

The First Step

Many different things can cause us to feel broken emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically. Divorce, the death of a loved one, an unexpected change, sickness, or coming out of an abusive relationship can all cause damage to our overall well-being. These things can leave us feeling stuck and lost, unable to move forward and make decisions. You may even be asking yourself the question, “Who am I?” after experiencing a sudden, significant change. 

Pursuing healing and experiencing healing and freedom after moments of trauma and pain is possible. You don’t have to stay stuck and in pain for the rest of your life. When Jesus died on the cross, He bore all of our sins, yes, but He also took on all of our pain and trauma, too. He made a way for us to be made whole and live whole and healthy experiencing the fullness of His Kingdom; righteousness, peace, and joy. 

Acknowledging the pain is the first step. If we avoid pain, pretending it’s not there or choosing not to process it will continue to keep us stuck in the cycle of hopelessness. Your emotions are valid and they deserve to be felt. Recognizing and accepting your emotions is a valuable part of the healing process. 

What’s next? 

The healing journey looks different for everyone. We must not measure or compare our experiences to another person while in the process. Everyone’s experiences are unique and the way one event affects one person might not affect another person in the same way. Extending yourself grace, compassion, and patience is key on the journey. Here are three practical things you can do to help you get back on your feet again.

1-Seek support. 

You don’t have to do everything alone. You were made to experience healing and freedom through the love and support of friends and family. Community can make all the difference in your journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help from your loved ones, counselors, and other medical professionals. 

2-Practice self-care. 

Like we said above, extending yourself kindness and grace is crucial in healing. Make self-care a priority and a daily practice. Eating a well-balanced diet, getting enough sleep, moving your body, journaling, spending time with friends and family, and doing activities you enjoy are great ways to help you move forward. 

3-Give yourself time. 

Healing isn’t linear and it doesn’t follow a specific timeline. Be patient with yourself, willing to follow the timeline of the Lord in the healing process. His timing is perfect and He knows how to set us free better than we do. Trust in the Father’s perfect timing for you and be patient with ourself if you’re not noticing a difference in the timing you’d like. You’re probably doing better than you think. 

You’re worth your healing. 

You are worthy of being a whole, happy, healthy individual. Different losses, traumas, and setbacks don’t have to define you or be where your story ends. The Lord has a unique and beautiful plan for your life. He sees you right where you are and He has more for you. You’re not alone and we’re here to help you get back on your feet again. If you’re ready to process through the past pain and move forward again, click here to get started.


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