What does healing look like?
The word appeared slowly and looked like chicken scratch. As I blinked and looked closer, I saw the word “soul” in the lines of the carpet. Immediately I knew what He meant. Emotional healing. It had been a long, hard road with many disappointments and hardships. I had been neglecting myself, my emotions, and things that brought me joy.
I suppose it was a protection measure, to shut everything down in order not to feel the pain.
Yet in doing so, everything had become dull. Listless. The same chord, played over and over, day after day. It was not a conscious choice, as one would choose, say, an outfit for the day. Yet it had become my outfit, what I had put on to hide the pain and to continue on the appearance of happiness. The thing is, not one person is happy all the time, everyone at any point is going through something hard. So why did I believe I had to be ok? Why couldn’t I let people in who knew some of the pain I was going through and have them become a healing salve? Or at least a receptacle for some of the bile I needed to release. Instead I had created an impenetrable fortress, the likes of which even the people closest in my life could not puncture. I knew He had written that word for me to know He wanted to heal my soul, and that it was important to Him that I became healthy in my emotions.
When you first become aware that there are areas of your life that need healed, it can feel like a massive mountain to climb to be able to reach the peak and to obtain the elusive “healing” that is often spoken of.
Yet, not one of us ever reaches a place in all areas of our lives where we reach that ubiquitous destination. There are some of us who have become more healed than others, yes, but there is always more!
“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” Philippians 3:12.
What does healing look like?
I have some questions that I ask myself regularly to see if I feel a quiet nudge from the Holy Spirit on.
Can you look at yourself objectively and be able to voice areas that you want to grow in?
If and when you get “triggered”, do you seek to find out the reasons why and process through them?
Can you confidently share your strengths and the things you like about yourself?
Are you able to confront others in a healthy way when needed?
Are you able to be vulnerable with safe people?
When corrected, are you able to objectively look at the issue called out? What do you do next?
As I self-reflect on these questions, I try to encourage myself like I would a dear friend. Compassionate, empathetic and kind.
At the same time, I ask the Holy Spirit for honesty and truth when seeking the answers so I don’t brush things aside that come up too easily or quickly. Healing can ebb and flow. It can feel overwhelming or it can feel like you are in a holding pattern with nothing much happening for long stretches.
Whatever it looks like for you, remember “that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” Philippians 1:6. He is faithful in His pursuit of us. For me, He revealed the message in the carpet so I could just be and receive. To rest and heal. To not worry about how it was going to happen, just to be open in the ways that it would. To be able to find joy in the little things,and laugh again. To delight in those around me before it was too late and the opportunity passed. To dream again, not just of the day I would no longer just be surviving, but flourishing. To be open and willing to be seen by others, no matter what I 'looked" like.
Healing is unique to each person, and everyone’s journey will be different.
Yet, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, and He is eagerly anticipating your “yes” in your own healing journey.
Author: Kelly Baird
Receptionist & PA