Success is in the Eye of the Beholder

Have you ever noticed that everyone measures success differently? What may look like a win to one is definitely not a win for another. This reality can cause a lot of tension and strife in our lives. We may think we’re crushing it and then someone comes along and tells us that wasn’t exactly right. It can be so discouraging!

What would it look like to measure our success not based on what the world is telling us, or even what we tell ourselves, but by the eyes of the Father?

The “Definition” of Success

If you look at the definition of success, Merriam-Webster defines it as a “favorable or desired outcome.” In other words, you can only call it a success when what you wanted to or thought would happen happens. But, how many of us know that more often than not, when we try something, particularly for the first time, it doesn’t go as planned?

If we think of success like this, we can easily be discouraged. We’re more likely to give up and less likely to take risks and try new things. We protect ourselves from failure by just not going for it. This way of living cuts us short of becoming the fullest version of ourselves.

The Father’s Definition of Success

“His master said to Him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master’s joy.’” -Matthew 25:21

This scripture is from the parable of the talents in the Bible. In this story, the master puts his servants in charge of different amounts of money. When he comes back, he sees that some of his servants have not only stewarded the amount he gave them but also earned interest. He meets them in their faithfulness with joy.

This is the Lord’s version of success; faithfulness and obedience to steward what He has given us and said. 1st Samuel 15 tells us that obedience honors sacrifice. Obedience to the Lord and His words is His top priority for us as His kids. This is how He measures success.

He is the Savior and we have the honor and privilege of serving Him and seeing His Kingdom come here on earth. We’re called to be His faithful lovers and friends. From this faithfulness comes living in His gift of salvation and yielding to His will for us.

The next time you start to get hard on yourself or you feel like you’re failing, reflect on what the Lord has spoken. Ask Him what He thinks about what you’re doing. Allow Him to fill you with His truth and love. Let His definition of success be the motivator and sustainer in all you do.

If you’re ready to step into the fullness of what God has for you and strengthen your connection with Him and others, click here for more information on how to get started.


Head to Heart


A New Year and a Free You