Do I need a coach?

We all need help reaching our goals and dreams sometimes, and a coach may be exactly the person to come alongside you on your journey.

What is coaching?

 Coaching is a present- and future-oriented service that's focused on:

1) exploring where you are now, and

2) getting you where you want to be.

 A coach is your partner and advocate to help facilitate your growth. They'll ask you powerful questions to help you think deeply about your identity, clarify your goals, and create a plan of action. They'll help you explore the strategies and support structures that you need to succeed... and they'll also help you uncover any barriers to the dreams and growth you're seeking.

Because coaching works to move towards desired outcomes, it's a process (not a quick fix) that typically spans multiple sessions. Coaching is a fabulous service when you're in the middle of transition and you're unsure of your next steps.

How is coaching different from Sozo or counseling?

As opposed to coaching, Sozo and counseling primarily focus on past issues that are hindering your spiritual, mental, emotional and relational health.

Sozo is a great fit if you feel a disconnect in your relationship with God, need spiritual deliverance from demonic influences, or need healing from a past traumatic experience/situation that continues to hold you in bondage. Although you may have more than one Sozo session, we don't typically view Sozo as a process-based service.  

Like coaching, counseling is a process-based service that spans multiple sessions. However, counseling focuses on helping you process

pain, so that you can end toxic patterns and restore relational connection. A counselor will also help you build healthy boundaries and communication skills.

A few powerful coaching questions to ask yourself:

1) What do I want more of and less of in my life? What's one step I can take today to make a change?

2) If money or fear weren't an issue, what dreams would I pursue?

3) What values am I trying to honor with this decision?

4) What support/accountability do I need to achieve this goal?

5) What's at stake if I don't move towards change in this area of my life?


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