Head to Heart

Knowing and believing are 2 different places that we can live from. Often, we can know the truth with everything in our minds. We know what scripture says and what ought to be true about the Lord and who we are…but do we actually believe it? 

Are the words of God branded on our hearts like a seal? Have we been marked by the overwhelming and unshakeable belief in the truth of God’s word about Himself, ourselves, and the world around us? How do we close the gap between our heads and hearts to walk in true belief once and for all? 

What’s the truth? 

Have you ever found yourself assuming that you know what’s true? Maybe you’ve found yourself circling around even asking God the question because you assume you know what the answer will be. We know we’ve been there, too. It’s normal for us to want to lean on our human reasoning rather than taking the risk of not understanding. 

We are body, soul, and spirit; we are triune beings. We were designed to live interconnected, each part of us working together in harmony. One part was not designed to be closer to God than the other or experience God more than the other. Our whole being was designed to encounter the Lord and be rooted in His truth. 

Our minds and hearts were not created to live in separate realities, knowing one thing in our heads while believing another in our hearts. Jesus died for us to have a revelation of the truth of God’s love, protection, and provision and to believe it with zero doubts in our hearts. 

Knowing vs Believing

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” -Proverbs 3:5-6

When it comes to our relationship and walk with God, information and reason will only take us so far. The Lord’s ways of doing things, His way of speaking, His timeline, and so many other things are far beyond our realm of comprehension. Yet, we get to trust Him anyway. 

He has made a way for us to have an experience with Him that changes everything. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we don’t have to solely rely on information, but we can pull on experience and encounters with the God of the universe Himself. We get to approach His throne boldly, with childlike faith, believing He will speak to and touch us. 

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 4 to guard our hearts because everything flows from us. What we believe to be true, deep in our hearts is the source from which we respond, think, act, and live. If we struggle to believe that God is good, that He provides for every need, that He is faithful to move on our behalf, that He is a good Father, etc., our lives will reflect this truth. We can know all of these “truths” in our heads, but until they become the reality and belief systems in our hearts, we won’t be able to live from them.

Because of the way we were raised, different relationships in the past, or the experiences and situations we’ve walked through, it can be easier said than done to believe the truth to be true. But it’s not impossible. The blood of Jesus paid a way for us to be reconciled back to the truth of the Gospel. 

“How do I close the gap between my mind and heart?” 

Closing the head and heart disconnect gap, though takes being intentional, is not impossible. We were designed to live connected, spirit, mind, and body. This is God’s perfect plan and design for humanity. Here are a few practical steps you can take to close the gap. 

1-Get a Sozo.

Sozo was designed to restore connection and break off any hindrances between you and God and you and people. Sozo gets to the root of your belief systems and connects you with the heart of the Father to hear His truth in a transformative way. Click here for more information. 

2-Be mindful of your thought patterns. 

Pay attention to the way you think. When something is challenging, things change suddenly, or you’ve been hurt, what is your mind telling you? Are your inner thoughts kind, encouraging, and helpful? Do you feel encouraged, knowing there’s more for you through the conviction of the Holy Spirit? Or do you feel condemnation, shame, guilt, fear, etc.? Take notice of the way you think. If your thoughts about God, yourself, and others don’t line up with scripture, this is a good indicator that there’s a disconnect! 

3-Meditate on the Word. 

Take time to be in the Word of God. Read what the Bible says about God’s character. Who is He in scripture? What does the Bible say about His heart for His people? What does He promise for His people? The Bible is the unwavering truth of God. We can trust that every word will never fail. 

4-Speak declarations. 

From the Bible, you can write down what you have found and discovered about God’s character and His heart for you! You can speak these truths over yourself daily. Through the renewing of your mind, you will step into a deeper connection with the Lord and His truth about you.


Managing Yourself Well


Success is in the Eye of the Beholder